Friday, June 3, 2011

world map labeled continents

world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • awadeee
    May 2, 12:54 PM
    This is a relief. :D

    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • grooveattack
    Feb 23, 03:51 PM
    SLAM DUNK! thanks man!

    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • carmenodie
    Apr 5, 10:42 AM
    What I find to damn stupid is that all competitors except Apple use Android or Honeycomb. WTF!
    They are comparing ipad to other tablets essentially running the same effing OS.

    world map labeled continents. world map labeled continents.
  • world map labeled continents.

  • roadbloc
    May 5, 10:19 AM
    Its funny how all the macs are turned off and all the windows PCs are one :)
    I think it's to hide how good OS X is. ;)

    To be honest, this is a smart move from Microsoft. If there is one thing I cannot stand about Apple, it is the silly prices they charge. The Apple Tax is stupid.


    world map labeled continents. world map continents black and
  • world map continents black and

  • Melrose
    May 5, 05:39 PM
    The "Apple Tax" is largely just in the mind. PC Magazine, and several tech blogs, have had comparisons and found that a Mac is cheaper than machines from some Windows machines (I think Sony and Dell were more expensive but I could be wrong). Out of five tested, the Mac was in the middle.

    I did the math, and gave it up after I had consistently lousy experiences with every version of Windows I used, with hardware from a variety of well known manufacturers.

    I will happily spend the imaginary premium if it provides with a stable operating system.

    world map labeled continents. Continents
  • Continents

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 15, 12:26 PM
    zimbra, pop/imap

    what a joke. firewall guys, we want email on our phones. we need to open the firewall on a few more ports

    exchange is database based which makes it easier and cheaper to manage it

    Wait, how does Exchange being database driven have anything to do with Firewall ports of POP/IMAP protocols exactly ? Exchange does the same POP/IMAP protocols and if you want your phones to access the system using those protocols on an Exchange server, you'll have to open the same firewall ports... Are your 2 statements even related ? Do you even realise Zimbra's backend is also database driven, except they use a much more standard RDBMS (MySQL) rather than Exchange's proprietary EDB format (which is loosely based on MDB, since both use the JET database engine, a far inferior database format that's more akin to SQLite than to a real RDBMS).

    But of course, you know all of this right ?

    And are you suggesting that push based e-mail requires a "database driven" backend in any sort of way ? Because that would be quite ludicrous a claim a to make. And of course, are you suggesting only Exchange does push based e-mail ? Because that would be ignoring Zimbra's Z-Push functionality...

    The fact is, AD, Exchange, they are so widespread exactly because of what I said earlier : Microsoft got their monopoly from IBM in the 80s and then proceeded to leverage at every chance to make solutions that do not inter-operate well. AD is integrated into Windows client tightly, it's a pain to make it work for anything else as far as SSOs go. Exchange is a success thanks to Outlook's widespread use, which is thanks to Office's dominance, which achieved it through Windows widespread use on the desktop.

    This is typical Microsoft modus operandi and why I have ethical and moral reasons to not work with their products as much as I can personally help it.

    Your SQL server example is also short-sighted. A 1/4 the cost of Oracle ? No duh, you're getting 10% of the product. Typical though that people look for Oracle when their needs don't even require it. It's just the best there is right now, and of course, you have to pay for that. However, you don't always need the best, in fact, Oracle is overkill for about 90% of RDBMS use out there.

    This is all moot, the subject of this thread is Apple hiring a Data center manager, not a product manager, that used to work at Microsoft. I see no problem in this, the guy is probably very qualified.


    world map labeled continents. world map continents black and
  • world map continents black and

  • Slix
    Apr 19, 03:37 PM
    I wish Expos� would have been in iOS 4. I really don't like the current multitasking option.

    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • mcapanelli
    Feb 23, 06:40 PM
    Please let this serve as public notice of my intentions to bring to market, iParent, a revolutionary new app that allows even the laziest dumb asses to be good parents. Simply type in your parental situation into the app and buy your answer via an in-app purchase. :rolleyes:

    LMAO!!!!!!! When do you go public and where can I buy stock? :p


    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • MacFanJeff
    Apr 1, 09:20 AM
    Not surpising at all. It's all about control of content and money.

    All studios, rather music or movie have always hated the idea of selling content even though it makes them a ton of money. If they could do away with all of it, including DVD sells, they would. What they truly want is for you to pay a fee every time you want to view or listen to content and you never "own" anything period. Nothing physical at all to buy, just pay for it every time you view or listen.

    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • Fukui
    Apr 3, 07:13 PM
    I'd LOVE to see Ruby support in TextEdit for Tiger!

    EDIT: Oops, wandering off-topic again...

    Ruby support should definitely be in an update of Pages.
    I'm sure your not the only one.


    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 15, 06:35 AM
    Windows 7 was his idea.

    The shirt and T look was his wife's.

    world map labeled continents. the world map labeled. learn
  • the world map labeled. learn

  • OneMike
    Mar 30, 08:53 AM
    I drove past a station today; 218.9 NZ cents per litre (US$6.15 per gallon). I remember when it was 90.9...

    If my math was right then that would've been about $2.55 US per gallon. I remember that as well and less.

    I remember $1.89 in NY and before I moved to FL and use to visit (2002 and up days) gas down here was like $1.17 a gallon.

    Now in Miami gas is about $3.69, down from $3.79 a couple days ago.

    These prices are all for regular


    world map labeled continents. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • ob81
    Nov 5, 07:36 PM
    Hong Kong, Japan & a few other countries have been using technology like this for a while. Hopefully it'll start being mainstream in Western countries soon.

    Hong Kong uses a SMART type card for everything, transport, vending machines, etc etc.

    Japan uses their mobile phones, AFAIK :P

    Yeah, it is so wide spread in Japan that you can use it at little corner shops these days. Great technology.

    world map labeled continents. the world map labeled.
  • the world map labeled.

  • hasek3139
    Apr 29, 09:39 PM
    Hey everyone!
    After a few days of trying to:
    a) Wipe the phone / Jailbreak
    b) Restore/Update/ Wipe Jailbreak
    c) Update and rejailbreak

    I came up with nothing.

    When I plug my phone into the computer, Itunes notices it, but cannot read any information and thus makes me restore. It downloaded the 4.3.2 firmware and started to get to work. After about 10 minutes it finally said failed. This happened over and over and over. Even using my own firmwares and the shift+click method. (Tried same 4.1, 4.2 and another 4.3.2). Nothing works. I even tried using iREB to put it into "Pwn dfu mode", but still I get errors. Anyone have any ideas?

    The next thing I'm going to try to do is use another computer.
    Also, what is that thing with changing the hosts file. I don't completely understand what it does and if it would help.

    Again, thanks!


    Fix my phone :(

    this link helped me out maybe it will help you


    world map labeled continents. Continents, countries
  • Continents, countries

  • scirica
    Mar 30, 04:17 PM
    There were about 20 people in line at the Southlake Apple Store this morning at 7am. Manager came out at 8am with cards for available iPads and there were plenty for everyone and some to boot. I wanted the black 32gb, but was forced to go white 32gb when they ran out of that one popular configuration. After 3 months missing my lost iPad, I'm back in business. Oh how I've missed this thing!

    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • herdnerfer
    Apr 13, 11:38 AM
    The scalpers are buying up all the AT&T versions to sell overseas. The Verizon models are no use to them since they only work in the US. Mystery solved....


    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • Oppressed
    Apr 25, 06:50 AM
    I lol'ed at this:p

    Is this not a dream thread!

    Fine 410m.

    @ Retina display. I seriously doubt IGP 3000 is capable of even running OS X at this resolution let alone anything 3D based like a game.

    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • 80s Fan
    Jan 6, 05:34 PM
    has anyone tried syncing the contacts yet? i'm curious what information gets pulled down and tied to a contact besides the profile picture and "links."

    I'm wondering this too. I had thought it sounded cool until I got to the "I Agree" screen and saw the verbiage about making sure the info that gets pulled from your phone to Facebook is ok with your friends. I clicked "I don't agree" and decided to cone here to see what others are saying.


    world map labeled continents. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • MovieCutter
    Sep 27, 12:46 PM
    Me too. And I wish Safari had a "Sure you want to quit?" dialog box for those times when we accidentally do a Command + Q in it.

    It does in Leopard...

    Jun 11, 02:49 AM
    Perhaps, but T-Mobile's major problem is coverage rather than saturation. (Although T-Mobile has filled in its gaps primarily with AT&T coverage agreements.) There aren't all that many people competing for AWS 3G service right now, even in places like New York and San Francisco, and that's precisely where the AT&T-only iPhone needs help.

    Precisely. Tmo owns about 33% of the wireless spectrum in New York 45% of the wireless spectrum in San Fran according to this. (

    Apple already sells the iPhone on T-Mobile; at least in Germany. If you really want to, just unlock one and pop in a TM sim card (try doing that on Verizon). Sure you won't get to play scrabble at 3G speeds on TM, but it's not like you'd be able to on AT&T. ;)

    And in many other countries as well. I counted nine here ( plus I believe Tmo is carrying it in the UK as well.

    @ SAD*FACED*CLOWN IIRC they did not have the kind of deal where they allowed anyone with expiring contracts at anytime for the rest of 2008 or 2009 to upgrade at the full upgrade price. Also I think what I do partially because of the publicity around this deal.

    Apr 25, 08:20 AM
    Thunderbolt will solve this. TB to Gigabit Ethernet adapter will definitely deliver 1Gb/s (800Mb/s due to 8/10b encoding).

    Still, my point stands- you need to purchase another adapter, carry it around, and have it dangle off your computer when a simple internal ethernet port would solve the problem.

    They should, at the very least, bundle it with a 1k+ computer (like they used to).

    May 28, 03:58 PM
    You create a category automatically by adding pages to it. The editing of a category only works to add text or the category that category is contained within.

    Jan 6, 05:49 PM
    Any know why some users photos don't sync? My photo doesn't show up on my wife's phone, but many of her friends photos' do.

    btw, I have seen other info posted like my friend's Sister's name and etc.

    Feb 28, 05:23 PM
    Having installed lion, then re-ran the installer to change to lion server, it seems to re-install the os, although lion server seems to be more of an add-on (applications/services) rather than a a difference in OS.

    With lion server i don't see apple releasing new server hardware other than utilising the mac mini / pro. all the services including the new profile tool look to be aimed at soho business for file-sharing/back-up or larger business utilising lion server as an add-on to current services/server to simply manage the profiling for idevices/computers, and maybe some file-sharing/podcasting/wiki or ichat.

    there seems to be set-up/references for setting up idivices for use with MS Exchange/push mail which lion server still do sent seem to support for iphones/ipads.

    Are there options to enable Open Directory Services, NFS, Software Update Server, XGRID? Also, are the Server Admin and Workgroup Manager tools included or replaced with something else?

    I'm reading mixed things all over the web on what's gone and what isn't.


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