Friday, June 3, 2011

wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 15, 12:05 AM
    I like the mop behind him. Is he the janitor of the data center?

    hahahahaha good one.

    Liquid on isle 4 came to mind. :rolleyes:

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  • Zombie Acorn
    May 6, 10:19 AM
    "Save a few fighter jets"? You mean the billions of dollars that could be better spent on more important things, such as healthcare? Billions. And apparently, the numbers that the Conservatives are giving as the cost are way below what the actual cost will be.

    I need to add that the other reason that people voted Conservative is because they had little confidence in Ignatief. This was due to a number of factors, which include his own doing and the smear campaign that was run against him.

    I think that if a better leader would have been running the Liberals, they would have done much better.

    He came off as an academic elitist with no grounding with the people. Glad to see he has retired where he belongs: out of politics and in academia.

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  • aspro
    Nov 21, 04:14 PM
    Sounds like a good idea, can't complain with any increase to battery life!

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 10:28 AM

    I was just listening to Biscuits & Bach on iTunes, and they went to Davidson College Presbyterian services at 11:00.

    OMG. :eek:

    I was dumped with guilt in the first 5 minutes. "Jesus did this for you...", "God did that for you...".

    Who asked Them? Not me, not my parents, or their parents, etc.



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  • Warbrain
    Apr 5, 09:09 AM
    I'm not saying they WILL do that on iPod, but they'd be more likely to do it than a touch-screen home button.

    I don't think the gestures would be that bad anyway. I've been using 10.7 Lion for a week now and some of those 4-finger gestures work perfect on the trackpad which is almost the size of an iPod anyway.

    Trackpad is larger and provides more space for fingers than the touchscreen would when you're utilizing those gestures. Difference between a swipe and a full-hand pinch.

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. Amber Rose x Wiz Khalifa
  • Amber Rose x Wiz Khalifa

  • atszyman
    May 24, 01:26 PM
    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :mad: I'll get you!! BTW when are you planning on overtaking me, I have been waiting for three months or so...

    End of June/early July. I've been lying low for the time being. Have to try to figure out who to taunt next. Maybe Rower_CPU? I should pass him sometime in 2009 at my current rate, which is due to fall since I have yet to complete a WU today.

    Remember, set lofty goals so you always have a good excuse for failure.


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  • hazz4121
    Sep 13, 05:37 PM
    I notice quite a few folks referring to how fast a machine is mhz for mhz and how if software were properly developed that the Mac would be faster than the equivalent pc. There is one flaw in that thought process you can only buy and use what is on the market. I have been designing on Macs since '92. In the end of 2001 after being laid off I needed a pc to test and developed on. I built an Athlon XP 1800+ system with Win2k. Prior to that I was working on a G4 500 agp with OS 9.1. My new testing PC absolutely killed my G4. Now I realize the G4 is old technology and the Athlon new. The speed of the machines is a 3:1 ratio 500mhz(G4) to 1.54ghz(Athlon) but for my tasks in After Effects and Photoshop it is 4 times faster. Not to mention Flash which Macromedia has done a terrible job developing for the Mac. I now see actual frame rates rather than two thirds frame rate. To get that sort of performance on a new Mac (in late 2001) I would have had to shell out $3000 and it still wouldn't have been as fast at the time. I paid $1100 for the pc. I love OS X and I run 10.5 on my G4 but I can't justify spending the cash on a new Mac since I would have to upgrade all my primary aps to run in OS X. Not to mention win2k is solid. I rarely have to restart and have crashed maybe twice in the 10 months I've had the pc.

    I'm at the crossroads though. I need to get a laptop soon and I would love to see a reasonably priced Ti Powerbook. But I'll probably end up with a 2ghz pc laptop for $1500. apple needs to get more competitive with bang for the buck. I'm just waiting for a reason to go back to working on a Mac!

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
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  • macman312
    Apr 5, 06:09 PM
    that's exactly what i was wondering about! i don't know if EU regulations apply to the ipad, but they certainly do apply to the iphone. and i think, apple has to include a miniUSB port (standardized charger) to the iphone 5 if they want to sell it here in europe. a simply dock connector just won't do.

    Why the hell do you have to have a miniUSB for a phone in the EU?
    what is wrong with just using a apple dock connector?? Apple is NEVER going to put a miniUSB port but they may make an adaptor for the idiots who want one (for what I ask)


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  • MrFirework
    Nov 14, 09:40 AM
    What is a Zune? :D :eek:

    Zune (zoon)
    See: Brick

    Now that I say that, Zune can never have the Airline compatability! All those bricks would add too much weight!:p

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  • MacFever
    Mar 28, 12:04 PM
    maybe also some Sandy Bridge Macbook Air's ?? :D:apple:

    I'd prefer to see them released before that like in April....


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  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo.

  • cheeseblock
    Feb 19, 06:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Get your elbow off the table steve, has your mother taught you nothing?!

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
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  • extraextra
    Oct 26, 04:45 PM
    I'm interested in the program, but I can't use it on my Powerbook, uggghhh. Damn you Adobe!


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  • snberk103
    Mar 19, 04:59 PM
    Auto is a good place to start, but DON'T BE AFRAID to use full manual 'M'. I have never shoot anything other full manual, except when I was using my camera to take snap shots of stuff I was selling on eBay, FM, CL, etc.

    With digital nowadays, it doesn't cost anything to learn! I am not that old, but I learned with film. My first film body was an EOS 650 and then I quickly snatched up two more (an Elan 7NE and an EOS-3), due to it being film. You were "stuck" at whatever the film was, and so I had three bodies out of convenience, if you will. So one body had Velvia RVP 50, one had Neopan and the other had like Reala. Those were the days (like 2002 or something). .

    I say this all the time, but I still have " A Film state of mind". In that, I mean I shoot like I still use film. I pre-vision what I want to convey onto "film", thus it slows up my shooting. I guess all the $$$$ I spent on developing and such (buying a CoolScan IV ED scanner, etc to get it onto the computer) sticks with me.

    Point is just go out and shoot. I really up until a year or so ago shot landscapes primarily. I used a Rokinon (Vivitar/Samyang,Bower/etc) 85mm 1.4 and it opened up my eyes to different styles, and thus I am venturing into different subjects. Nothing makes up for experience and trial and errors. Understanding how one setting is in relation to the other will greatly help you!

    I agree with most of what you say, except.... I don't get the "Shoot only Full Manual" advice that is heard here and in other places.

    If I have spent some $$ on a camera with a computer and a light meter, I figure I'm going to make it do at some of the work. The way I see it, I have a management job, and that is to decide what DoF and/or apparent motion I want to capture (composition) - and to ensure good exposure (quality control). The camera gets to do the grunt work of doing the calculations. It's the back-office.

    Generally I use Aperture Priority, and let the camera worry itself over the shutter speed. Though, being the suspicious boss type, I'm always checking over the Camera's work and watching the settings. That way I can step in and make changes if necessary.

    I figure I'm thinking through the cycle anyway. I like DoF control, so I generally start with Av. I observe the shutter speed - make sure I'm fast enough if I'm handholding, or perhaps I want to freeze or blur something. (Or if I'm on a tripod can I get away with triggering with a light finger or do I need to go to a timer or cable release).

    Then I observe the overall exposure. Do I need to adjust the +/- thingy?

    I guess it's the difference between :
    Think -> Look -> Think -> Make a Setting -> Push Button (Manual)
    Think -> Look -> Adjust if necessary -> Push Button (Av or Tv).

    Seems faster my way, and just as accurate. And maybe more accurate if I'm tired. ... but maybe I'm missing something?

    I'm really enjoying this whole thread..... :)

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
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  • mad jew
    Sep 17, 11:04 PM
    I'm laughing at this, but I don't know why... can you explain? (Seriously, if there was a joke in there, it went straight over my head...)

    I was referring to the pic of you when you were working for The Architect on The Matrix plus the fact that, as you rightly said, I only have a nano and not a mini. :(


    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. amber rose tattoo on his
  • amber rose tattoo on his

  • acearchie
    Apr 23, 08:06 AM
    The current FCS can edit 3D with the Dashwood stereo 3d toolkit plugin!

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. Tags: Amber Rose in
  • Tags: Amber Rose in

  • jsw
    Oct 26, 10:25 PM
    Seriously, does anyone know how to use an email address that is not a address as the reply-to in .mac webmal?

    I only use the webmail at work, and at home Mac OS X Mail lets me use my "real" email address as the reply-to. I would love to know how to do it in webmail. An earlier poster said you can, but I just can't see how.

    Thanks for the help...I can find no way to do so. You might be better off forwarding your .Mac mail to your "real" account, then using webmail for that account to reply.


    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. wiz khalifa tattoos amber rose
  • wiz khalifa tattoos amber rose

  • integlspwr
    Apr 19, 04:10 PM
    anyone know how to get multi touch gestures with 4.3.2 on my ipad ?

    wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo on his. wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo
  • wiz khalifa amber rose tattoo

  • Digidesign
    Sep 19, 04:31 PM
    You can't boot XP from CD on a Mac. You can't you can't you can't.

    Yes you can.

    I installed XP on a new HDD with only one large partition (NTFS) without the 200mb EFI partition from OS X. I didn't use Bootcamp at all.

    So far, everything's working fine and I can boot between OS X and XP with no problems.

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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 16, 05:49 AM
    Surely a 'Made in USA' car is a thing to avoid? Big, no style, bad engines (huge capacity with no power), poor reliability, nasty plastics inside.

    Get a european one, more reliable (VW, BMW, Mercedes, Audi) far far superior technology in the engines, safer and better for the environment, plus you pump money into our economy :p

    Some really sexy cars: VW Scirocco, BMW 3 Series Coupe, Renault Megane Coupe, Audi TT, Volvo C30.... plus they will last for years!

    I can't tell if you're feigning ignorance in the interest of having a laugh, or if you have really bought into the ol' stereotypes. Or maybe my sarcasm detector is broken.

    1. Did you know Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW all manufacture cars in the USA?

    2. I would like to see the source that says the cars you mention are categorically "more reliable" than American-made cars. I suspect that if you spend a little time at you will come away, like I did, seeing mostly non-European cars listed at the top, with a somewhat even smattering of American and German cars thrown in.

    3. If you are in the UK, I am wondering exactly how much of a boost your local economy gets if I buy a Mercedes assembled in Sindelfingen. A lot of German tourists ripe with auto-industry cash come your way, do they?

    4. As an aside, only 3 of the 5 car models you suggest are even available here. They are all fine vehicles, I'm sure, but they are hardly fair recommendations if I can't get them.

    I'm no cheerleader for the U.S. auto industry; there hasn't even been an American-made car in my garage for 5 years. And by and large, our love affair with SUVs deserves mocking. But the notion that one cannot buy a reliable, economic car which simultaneously benefits the U.S. economy is FUD.

    May 2, 01:16 PM
    But what does Consumer Reports say about the network connection of this phone?


    They still can't recommend it!

    Dec 27, 06:34 PM
    simple fix

    buy it outside nyc

    Dec 18, 11:09 AM
    Well I've not yet appeared in the news. Note that when I talk about the rebellious crowd, I'm referring to more than just you and the peopl in this thread. There has been a total overreaction to it in the news and by 'celebrities' over the country. In any case, that's not irony.
    I haven't noticed but I'm not following it all that closely. Just bought my track and hoped for it to work out.

    I meant it was ironic that the most seriously I've taken this is in talking to you after having said to you that you may be taking it too seriously.

    I sincerely hope not. I'd rather have anything other than a poor metal track being played continually on the radio over the festive period.
    Hey, it can't be worse than Spice Girls and many other ( odd choices.

    Apr 5, 10:52 AM
    Even if it is not a fake, not really earth shattering news anyway.

    Apple Corps
    Feb 18, 06:46 PM
    Very skillful in how Jobs face and legs are hidden. Im beginning to think the newspapers are right about his condition.

    Also, pretty tasteless to dress the way he does. I'm not a fan of Obama, but if I were to meet him and sit next to him for dinner, I would respect the office enough not no dress in freakin' turtle neck.

    Jobs has ZERO class, none.

    I noticed they were all wearing shirts / tops - must be trying to hide some chest condition :rolleyes:

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