Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ipod touch 3g background

ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background.
  • ipod touch 3g background.

  • Super Dave
    Aug 6, 01:29 PM
    Mac OS X Leopard
    Introducing Vista 2.0



    Is that Vista 2.0 thing real? I hadn't seen it before.

    David :cool:

    ipod touch 3g background. iPod Touch 3G and iPhone
  • iPod Touch 3G and iPhone

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:08 PM
    When someone speaks about "smartphone marketshare" he usually means world wide and not only for Botswana. But nice try. :rolleyes:

    Are you real? How is that understood?

    Most of the times when marketshare is discussed, its discussed for the US only. I reside in England and I know its stupid to neglect the world; but every other sale means much more to US than to the world.

    Talk about CD's/DVD's/Vinyls/MobilePhones/Computers etc.

    I am not saying the world doesn't count; but US is supposed to be a big benchmark. You could have at least mentioned which marketshare you were talking about.

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background.
  • ipod touch 3g background.

  • Midirose
    Nov 28, 10:56 PM
    Here is another little tid bit about Universal Music you may not be aware of. The original was bought out by Universal Music a few years back. Prior to Universal, was privately owned and had music from thousands of indie artist from around the world and no major label artist. You could listen to the artist music for free, but you could also purchase their music for download or actual CD. There was a lot of really awful music there but there was a lot of very good music there also. Some unsigned artist sold thousands of CD around the world like my band. After Universal bought they destroyed the catalog even though the original owner offered to purchase it. Economics would lead me to think that Universal believed that the millions of indie songs sold on was a direct threat to them not meeting their year over year projections, and it was. Get rid of the competition and get money for nothing.........sounds like big business trying to please their share holders. It is no wonder that our culture is going to hel#, when fair play and morals give way to profits. And yes most labels are pimps and you know who their hoes are.......our favorite artists. I hope Apple does not cave to this type of extortion!!!

    ipod touch 3g background. Cannot set iPod Touch 3G 8GB
  • Cannot set iPod Touch 3G 8GB

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 07:26 PM
    Totally depends on what tools you are using. Sure, when I'm at home working on a light webapp running nothing but Emacs, Chrome, Postgres, and using, for example, Python as my server-side language, 4GB of RAM is more than enough, hell I could get by with 2GB no problem

    You'd need 2 GBs for that ? My Linux server with about 384 MB of RAM runs that web/db environnement without breaking a sweat, with a load average of about 0.1, and that's not even a quarter of what runs off of it.

    No, seriously, people overestimate their computing ressource needs these days. Xcode is pretty light, Eclipse ran on computers from 10 years ago, so did Netbeans. Tomcat has been around and hasn't changed much from its 5.0 release, back in the early 2000s.

    The MBA is fine for running the tools you describe and would make a fine software development station for the needs you expose, don't ever doubt that.

    By "run everything", you can't possibly mean run games at "higher than medium" settings, nor edit lots of HD footage in something like Final Cut Pro. Though that's not what YOU use YOUR MacBook Air for

    I'd argue the needs I described are shared by much more people that the needs you claim aren't filled by a MBA. I doubt Final Cut Pro movie editing is anything but a small niche of what computer buyers do with their machines and "higher than medium" settings is not something I use to describe gaming. I value games for their playability, not how they look on my screen. Of course, I come from the era of EGA graphics and Adlib sound systems, when games were about gameplay.

    Still, the MBA does fine with iMovie and I can play Civilization IV at full screen on my external monitor of 2048x1156 pixels without breaking a sweat. It is a very capable machine, contrary to what you believe. Use one and see for yourself before you diss the thing. I can understand why you wouldn't be interested in one, I can't however understand the venom you spit at the thing.

    please, please, P...L...E...A...S...E - Can we have an integrated Cellular data chip

    Get a USB adapter. That way, your 2000$ laptop won't be tied to a single carrier the way Apple does 3G in its devices. I'm fine with my iPhone and tethering, I'd rather Apple sell the MBA on the cheap and leave the 3G option up to the users.

    It's not like you can't use a MBA over 3G networks right this day (or any other Mac for that matter).

    Wait, so MacBook Air has a TN panel? That makes no sense, the iPad 2 has an IPS panel...

    Anyway, I'd like to see backlit keys and an IPS display before I buy a MBA :cool:

    Very, very few laptops have IPS displays. The only one that comes to mind is the HP Elitebook with the DreamColor screen option (the standard screen on it is a TN panel).

    Apple does not install Flash Player on newer machines, so this is not a problem.

    Try ( or ClickToFlash ( or other HTML5-Safari extensions (!

    Youtube is not the only source of content out there and until all video provider sites are HTML5, computers without VDA framework support will be slower, run hotter and have lesser battery life than those with VDA support.

    And HTML5 won't be on all video sites until you can graft DRM on top of it. Think of the paid-for streaming providers like Hulu.

    BTW, my MBA runs Flash without any problems. I don't need Apple to pre-install it for me.

    You obviously know nothing about OpenCL ( OpenCL is not hardware dependent. OpenCL programs can run even on old 300 MHz PowerPC processors, if someone writes a OpenCL-compiler for this platform.

    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU. It makes no sense to emulate OpenCL in software, other than providing OpenCL on computers without a hardware implementation.

    In the end, you haven't achieved the purpose of OpenCL, which is to offload the CPU, since you haven't offloaded the CPU at all.

    The point is, the Intel 3000 HD on Mac OS X cannot run OpenCL code, so it's up to the CPU to do it.

    You failed to even counter my points. Your attempt is only about dismissal, which proves my points are very valid.

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background.
  • ipod touch 3g background.

  • ergle2
    Sep 19, 08:38 PM
    then i will have to work just a little bit harder i'm afraid ;)

    i'll start with the 1 gig ram, maybe 2, and later i will be upgrading,it can't stay expansive forever.

    thx again for your reply

    DailyTech ( has a mention of the Core 2 Quadro processors.

    Pricing mentioned was a little lower than I expected, but it's processors in the Conroe line rather than the Xeon. Having said that, the 3GHz Xeon is slightly cheaper than the 2.93GHz Conroe.

    As expected, the highest rated speed mentioned is 2.67Ghz.

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background.
  • ipod touch 3g background.

    Apr 7, 10:52 PM
    This is not a low for apple, when you have stock and have entered into a legal agreement to sell the stock, you sell what you have. Not selling the product is lost sales and dollars.

    The fiasco here lies with Best Buy entirely. Apple did the right thing to pull their product.

    Get a clue dude.

    another low for apple, i ordered Mar 19th still waiting ...

    fiasco just continues, does not look nice apple.

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background.
  • ipod touch 3g background.

  • VanNess
    Aug 5, 06:28 PM
    I have my money on 06.

    Show me the money! (lol)

    In addition to the aforementioned reasons why it won't see the light of day until 07, Apple will gauge reaction to Leopard (both public and developer) and use the remainder of 06 to further tweak, well, whatever is going to be in Leopard. That takes us to Macworld in January, and another major, prime time opportunity to hype/showboat Leopard to the masses and further tease anxious Macheads to the point where sales will go through the roof when it hits the stores.

    Recall that Tiger features saw significant UI overhauls (Dashboard, Spotlight, Automator) from the original Tiger demos at WWDC until it's reshowing at Macworld. Apple has no reason to rush this out after WWDC.

    You can bank on 07. First Half. No sooner than April.

    ipod touch 3g background. 3G and iPod touch 2G.
  • 3G and iPod touch 2G.

  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 05:34 PM
    Time Machine won't mean much when the HD fails. Back that azz up!

    Also a very good point, so I need a bigger main HD for my MacBookPro (the new Seagate 160GB becomes interesting) for Time Machine, but i still need to back the hole thing up to an external HD in case of a HD crash (I had 2 in the last 8 months!). So Tine Machine doesn't make Backups obsolete, I didn't even think of that up to now. Hmmm..

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background.
  • ipod touch 3g background.

  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 05:38 PM
    Hey for what its worth, i understand where you're coming from Zadillo BUT some people still find the joke funny and therefore it deserves to be told.

    Fair enough, and I won't argue any more about it. I can't think of anything more tedious than a debate about whether a joke is funny or not...:)

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background
  • ipod touch 3g background

  • Pressure
    Sep 19, 08:57 AM
    So this was a bad time to order a 15.4" MacBook Pro 2.16Ghz, 100GB harddrive, 1GB ram with 256MB VRAM? :p

    ipod touch 3g background. iPhone/iPod Touch Wallpaper:
  • iPhone/iPod Touch Wallpaper:

  • PBF
    Apr 11, 11:05 PM
    If they delay iPhone 5 until Fall/Winter, then they'd better release the white iPhone 4 some time in Spring as promised by Phil Schiller. :mad:

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background. ipod
  • ipod touch 3g background. ipod

  • ImNoSuperMan
    Aug 12, 04:29 AM
    I don't believe the rumor - Steve wouldn't blab, he just wouldn't.

    We only have a month to wait, though. :)

    Exactly the same reaction I had when I first read the rumor. It just doesnt sound like the Steve we know.

    But who cares. I just want the iPhone to be launched asap. I really hope it`s unlocked GSM phone so that I can use it in my country. It`ll really suck if it`s USA only.

    ipod touch 3g background. 3G and iPod touch 2G
  • 3G and iPod touch 2G

  • asdf542
    Apr 10, 10:39 PM
    This is kind of ironic. My brother works in the video editing field and I was just talking about this only 5 minutes ago. He was lucky enough to "NAB" a ticket (pun fully intended) literally seconds before they sold out, and he'll be there for the presentation. He was telling me about this radical new overhaul for FCP, and I thought it was kind of weird that I hadn't seen any mention of it seeing as how I check Apple rumor blogs almost daily, so I logged onto macrumors and sure enough, it was the first story listed.

    I guess there's a lot of drama among the industry about Apple's refusal to release any kind of road map for FCP, not unlike their other products, and apparently a lot of people are starting to jump ship to Adobe's offerings. Everyone is pretty worried about this new overhaul because the guy who botched iMovie is the guy now in charge of FCP. I'm not into video editing, and I've never never used FCP or any product like it, but after hearing about all the drama and excitement surrounding this new overhaul I'm pretty stoked to see what happens.

    My brother is a diehard Apple guy, but he, along with a lot of other people apparently, are basically giving Apple this final shot to fix a lot of FCP's limitations, or they're going to fully move over to Adobe's offering. (I can't remember the name of heir FCP equivalent, and I'm too lazy to look it up) Tuesday can't come soon enough!The guy who 'botched' iMovie is the same person that created Final Cut and continues to work on Final Cut. Randy Ubillos has been the head of Apple's video editing suites/applications for as long as I can remember.

    ipod touch 3g background. iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2
  • iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2

  • daneoni
    Aug 27, 05:54 PM
    I was just checking out the CD vs C2D comparison at Anandtech, pretty interesting stuff.

    My question is this, is Santa Rosa strictly the mobile platform? I'm a student holding off for an iMac revision, and am wondering if apple utilizes Conroe in the iMac, will the faster FSB's be supported? Is an updated platform already available for Conroe? (I guess I had more than one question )


    Santa Rosa is for mobile platforms only. As far as i can tell the Conroe chips already have a rich FSB by default 1066MHz i think. Apple may use conroe and may use merom but conroe is looking to be the slated candidate.

    ipod touch 3g background. ipod touch 3g background. ipod
  • ipod touch 3g background. ipod

  • S i
    Sep 19, 08:24 AM
    I wish this board would block automatically "************" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    Huh? :confused:

    Nice :D

    I'm going to be p*ssed right off if Apple roll out a measly chip update as this latest rumour states. They need to keep up in order to attract the switchers....& keep them. Switching can go both ways of course. Let's see some other MBP updates too, so the wait translates to something positive.


    I'll "bitch & switch" because I go where I feel I can get competitive advantage (rolling many aspects into this). I'm bitching first as a courtesy to Apple. Is it better if people slip off quietly & buy PCs? If community unhappiness hastens some kind of Macbook attention from Apple then that's great.

    ipod touch 3g background. iPod Touch 2G, iPhone 3G,
  • iPod Touch 2G, iPhone 3G,

  • IBradMac
    Jun 14, 12:36 AM
    Correct to the even though your an authorized user. Authorized users can do anything but add or upgrade, atleaset at RS.

    ipod touch 3g background. 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch
  • 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch

  • TerrorOFdeath
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    Forget i7.. Hellhammer seriously? Didnt expect that from you. (or where you just speaking what tehnical could be possible)
    Marketingwise this would just make no sense at all. It would actually be a Conflict of interest for the MBP.

    i5 seems logic. And then just mhz bump bto.

    IMHO i would love to see an 11.6 MBA with an i3. So that there could still be enough power for backlit.
    And please, do make the screen better for the 11.6

    GMA3000 is ok for an Air. Even if it is just DX10.


    PS: @Scottsdale: Did you buy this Generation MBA. Or did you wait, because the backlit thing? (just wondering, because to an i5 you cant say no can you ;-) Oh yes, to replay to your text. The bus is higher, and so is the turboboost option up to 2.X GhZ. It IS better than actuall CD2. The power you use if you need it (if not, much more battery life). But on the GPU part im with you. It is still freaking me out, crp Intel Graphics. But i can swallow it on a MBA.

    ipod touch 3g background. your iPhone or iPod Touch,
  • your iPhone or iPod Touch,

  • nerveosu
    Aug 7, 04:31 PM
    The star field background for Spaces was Tacky.

    ipod touch 3g background. 3G and iPod Touch 2G.
  • 3G and iPod Touch 2G.

  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 12, 01:15 AM
    its kind of like comparing two different beasts imo.
    I know they are fundamentally two different types of games in a similar genre, but he brought up the sales of the series, so I offered up another racing game series with much higher sales.
    let's see, my original post:

    {quote of your incorrect original post}

    noticed i said, "not including demos". which all other versions are, except for the psp game. granted, the last demo, or prologue, is a PS3 greatest hits.
    I don't really care if you count the Prologues as full releases or not. The fact remains...

    GT1 + GT2 + GT3 + GT4 = 46M

    ...not 57M like you originally, and incorrectly, said.
    ...but if we go off number of sales (since you seem to think b/c i mentioned it, it's the only thing i take into consideration)...i'd say GT5 stacks up very well with NFS, considering everything. again, just looking at sales here
    You brought up sales, not me. And last I checked, objectively, 100 is more than 57, regardless of how you subjectively look at it.
    that's still not the point. having that many cars adds to the game, and adds up in data on that one disk. i'm sure many players drive those same cars in real life
    No, the only thing that adds to is a stat point on the back of the box. I mean, hooray, someone's 87 CRX is in a racing game. YAY!! :rolleyes:

    That is the problem with GT these days. Too much fluff, and lacking in the racing. I mean, whatever, they can make whatever kind of game they want. If they want to fill the game with 1000 cars, 800 of which most people never touch, they can do that. To me, though, they are losing what made the series great years ago.
    GT5 is only on playstation.
    NO WAY!!! I never knew that. :rolleyes:
    with so many cars, and so many races, some need a guide. some races are very difficult.
    Sure, but a "Guinness Record" for it? Again, to much fluff.
    but again, it still is a real car. and the intention of producing 6 of these cars was for this game. that is clear.
    No, it is a concept car that Citro�n paraded around at car shows. Lots of concept cars get built with the fake intention of going into production. But you know what? Almost none of them do. This Citro�n is no different.

    Aug 19, 05:53 PM
    And I'm not convinced this is only an application problem. When I run Handbrake on the Quad G5 alone it uses just over two cores 203%
    So what happened to:
    Both Toast and Handbrake can use 4 cores EACH
    Looking at the handbrake forums, speeds seem to vary drastically between users with the same machine. Definitely seems to be affected by whatever else you have running or configured in the OS or otherwise. I suppose the "cleanest" install to test is in the Apple store (I'm just assuming they do a clean ghost copy at shutdown or end of day?)

    When I ran tests on the Mac Pro at the Apple Store last Saturday between Toast and/or Handbrake, their use of more cores alone and together was much better.
    So your benchmarks show the Mac Pro using 15-33% less CPU than the G5? There's no doubt that Woodcrest is a superior chip architecture to the G5 (one would hope after 3 years) and so that's why you're seeing more FPS inspite of less CPU use. But why does it use less cores though? Seems like either its a software problem OR some hardware is being maxed (I/O or FSB perhaps?)

    So would it be correct to say that the only app that is even remotely "Quadcore aware" is Toast? It seems like by the time professional apps are made to take advantage of 4 cores we'll probably be on more than 8! :eek:

    If only they could build something in the CPU itself that delegates tasks to n cores, we'd all be sorted. :)

    Sep 14, 05:22 PM
    I got this great response this morning from my IT snob:
    "Where in that linked article does it say 64bit? I see 65 nm, but not 64 bit. Duct taping two 32 bit cores together may get you Mac 64 bit processing... great for drawing cool pictures."

    Anyone have a link that shows that Clovertown is 64 bit? Please help me to defeat this PC IT ogre

    Why not get it from The Horses Mouth ( over at intel (PDF Warning)

    They specifically state that Clovertown is a multi-core packaging of Woodcrest which is a 64 bit processor.

    Hate it when IT people act like morons and give the rest of us a bad name.

    Sep 13, 12:54 PM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.

    A lot of 3d programs will use as many cores as are available when rendering.

    And I would say that the next versions of many programs will be better suited for multiple core processors.* They are way too common for software developers to ignore them any longer.

    Aug 5, 05:52 PM
    As far as I'm concerned, my interest in WWDC rumor mongering is closed. Now that we're in the final weekend, there's too much potential for bogus, wild info from anonymous but suddenly "in the know" sources that will get a kick out seeing false info entertained in sites like this.

    Insofar as all of the present rumors/claims combined, there just isn't enough there to justify the amount of "to be announced" sessions for developers that are on the WWDC event schedule, and it isn't likely they are Intel/Universal Binary-related (that particular cat is obviously already out of the bag), so at this point I have no idea what Leopard will bring. All bets are still off.

    And what's this nonsense from Thinksecret?

    A release date for Leopard is not expected at WWDC and it appears unlikely that the operating system will ship by the close of based on its current development status, sources say.

    Well, they certainly aren't going to give an exact day and time of release, but you don't have to be "in the know" to understand that they are going to give a time frame for it's release (i.e., first quarter 07 or first half 07), as they typically do. Common sense tells you that. What's Jobs supposed to say? "Oh, I don't know. Not sure when we are going to release it. But we'll definitely get around to it one of these days."

    My guess is that it won't happen until 07, about the same time frame Tiger was released. Although Apple may finish it's hardware transition for the present generation of machines come Monday, Universal Binaries are still very much in progress. Throwing in major new OS changes, new API's etc., courtesy of Leopard on top of the existing Universal Binary transition efforts isn't likely to sit well with developers if the release date for Leopard is too soon - as in by the end of the year. Risks developers either throttling back on UB support or support for whatever goodies that are new in Leopard. And by the looks of the number of yet to be announced sessions at WWDC, there may quite a number of new goodies.

    With Microsoft's Vista constantly trying to steer it's way out of oblivion, in this case time is on Apple's side.

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 11, 11:24 AM
    Ill only buy it if stupid little spoilt english kids dont buy it, i dont mean posh english kids but yobbish ones, I want it to be the coolest thing in the world. The nano has become the essential for yobbish teenage boys and girls in the uk and I just want those stupid turds to stick to their quote "amazing black v3's with itunes and video" which dont actually have itunes and video!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Im not ageist because im 16.....

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