Sep 25, 02:35 PM
Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:
Having visited my local Apple Store several times over the last two weeks (my PowerBook G4 was in for warranty repairs), I can safely say that I saw more MacBooks selling than any other computer... easily two MacBooks for every iMac that sold.
This is no surprise when you consider the price/performance ratio and the overall market shift toward mobile computing (not to mention back-to-school season).
If anything, I'd say it's a safe bet that Apple may be having trouble keeping up with demand.
Having visited my local Apple Store several times over the last two weeks (my PowerBook G4 was in for warranty repairs), I can safely say that I saw more MacBooks selling than any other computer... easily two MacBooks for every iMac that sold.
This is no surprise when you consider the price/performance ratio and the overall market shift toward mobile computing (not to mention back-to-school season).
If anything, I'd say it's a safe bet that Apple may be having trouble keeping up with demand.
Apr 1, 09:52 AM
Back to torrents.
Ho well, twas fun while it lasted. Edited out commercials on every program, automagically.
I win.
Ho well, twas fun while it lasted. Edited out commercials on every program, automagically.
I win.
Mar 28, 11:37 AM
So Lion won't debut on WWDC? Just preview? :confused:
Apr 5, 10:25 AM
First off, leave my post alone.
Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.
Wow, you're some kind of business GENIUS! :)
Seriously, though, hell will freeze over before iPad 3 is released in September, or any time whatsoever in 2011. Just let it go, man...
Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.
Wow, you're some kind of business GENIUS! :)
Seriously, though, hell will freeze over before iPad 3 is released in September, or any time whatsoever in 2011. Just let it go, man...
Apr 8, 07:37 PM
Cut defense, raise taxes on the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes. Deficit solved without cutting any social services. In fact, the little "balance the budget" exercise I posted a few weeks ago proved we could add a surplus while still increasing money for social services, green energy and veterans benefits. All with a progressive tax increase on the top 10%.
As Maddow says, its not about the budget.
I thought you described yourself as an anarchist. What's your definition of an anarchist? Someone who supports a lot of state control?
As Maddow says, its not about the budget.
I thought you described yourself as an anarchist. What's your definition of an anarchist? Someone who supports a lot of state control?
Jun 18, 01:48 PM
Can the Mac mini boot from one of these cards? That would be insanely great.
I know the MBP's can boot from the SD card.
I know the MBP's can boot from the SD card.
Mar 26, 05:28 PM
So he really doesn't wear anything besides jeans and black turtleneck...huh :)
I wonder how many turtlenecks he has?
I wonder how many turtlenecks he has?
Jul 14, 01:40 PM
Sort of.
Lets separate reading and writing exFAT. If I can read it, I can pull stuff off of it. So OS X will require the ability to read exFAT in order to make it compatible with non apple devices that will be using this format. HOWEVER, it is not required that Apple choose to read exFAT. You could format with HFS+. Then any device that can read HFS+ could read and write to it.
If I can write to exFAT, then I can place data (even 4GB+ media files) on the card. Apple may create a driver that allows you to read exFAT but not write to it.
This matters if you are going to use the card to store media files (4 GB+), or are planning on using the card with non Apple devices. I could get a 128 GB SDXC card, format 100 GB in FAT32 for a user directory, and format 3 8GB swap spaces (one for OS X, one for Windows, and one for Unix). Then I'd have my user files and swap space with me wherever I go, and it would be cross platform compatible (everyone reads and writes FAT32). Yes, FAT32 does have a maximum partition size, this is why I used a 128 GB SDXC card as the example. And yes, I wouldn't have my media files (movies) on the card (I'd need one of the 2 TB cards to do this).
Since Pretec is selling an ExpressCard SDXC reader, this is what I plan to do with my triple boot MBP (see sig). I'll point my OS X user directory to the directory that will be on this card, I'll do the same for Win7, and BackTrack. Each OS will also have swap space on the card. This increases security too. If I have my SDXC card with me, someone using the laptop can't see my files at all. It also increases speed (maybe and a little) because I'm using a different storage device and bus to put my user files/swap space on.
Let's take a closer look at what we have here.
For references we have: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/forensics/reverse-engineering-microsoft-exfat-file-system_33274 and the blog rshullic.wordpress.com
First, the SDXC card is set to be exclusively exFAT. You may be able to format the card as FAT32, or HFS or NTFS as FAT32 can be formatted to 2TB although you can't use Microsoft utilities to do so. Microsoft will read a 2TB FAT32 file system and write to it, they just won't let you create anything over 32GB. If you want to use the SDXC card exclusively with the Mac, then you could format the card with almost any file system. I have formated a 256MB (yes MB, it is SD Version 1.00) SD card as exFAT. But put that card with exFAT into a camera, like the Panasonic Lumix which has SDXC support, and it says that the card is not formatted properly and won't let you use the card until you reformat it. A SD card is speced for FAT, a SDHC card is speced for FAT32 and a SDXC card is speced for exFAT, and some camera manufacturers enforce the proper file system. So, if you intend to use the sdxc in a camera or a phone or other consumer device, formatting it as anything other than exFAT may not be an option.
And Apple might need to license exFAT just to read it even if not to write. (might need, I don't really know as there are now forensics tols that read exfat but I don't think those guys are licensing it, maybe read only is ok and doesn't violate licensing agreements?)
The SDXC card actually begins at 48GB, which is the equivalent of a dual layer Blu-Ray disc. I have seen 48GB and 64GB so far, and the 64GB (at a low i/o speed) can be gotten at amazon for about $200. But the card are running in the $350-$600 range with speeds claimed to be 30MBs (that is mega-bytes per second) so it will be a while for the prices to come down and the speeds to increase near the SD 3.0 level of 104 MBs, let alone the SD 4.00 spec of 300 MBs.
Lets separate reading and writing exFAT. If I can read it, I can pull stuff off of it. So OS X will require the ability to read exFAT in order to make it compatible with non apple devices that will be using this format. HOWEVER, it is not required that Apple choose to read exFAT. You could format with HFS+. Then any device that can read HFS+ could read and write to it.
If I can write to exFAT, then I can place data (even 4GB+ media files) on the card. Apple may create a driver that allows you to read exFAT but not write to it.
This matters if you are going to use the card to store media files (4 GB+), or are planning on using the card with non Apple devices. I could get a 128 GB SDXC card, format 100 GB in FAT32 for a user directory, and format 3 8GB swap spaces (one for OS X, one for Windows, and one for Unix). Then I'd have my user files and swap space with me wherever I go, and it would be cross platform compatible (everyone reads and writes FAT32). Yes, FAT32 does have a maximum partition size, this is why I used a 128 GB SDXC card as the example. And yes, I wouldn't have my media files (movies) on the card (I'd need one of the 2 TB cards to do this).
Since Pretec is selling an ExpressCard SDXC reader, this is what I plan to do with my triple boot MBP (see sig). I'll point my OS X user directory to the directory that will be on this card, I'll do the same for Win7, and BackTrack. Each OS will also have swap space on the card. This increases security too. If I have my SDXC card with me, someone using the laptop can't see my files at all. It also increases speed (maybe and a little) because I'm using a different storage device and bus to put my user files/swap space on.
Let's take a closer look at what we have here.
For references we have: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/forensics/reverse-engineering-microsoft-exfat-file-system_33274 and the blog rshullic.wordpress.com
First, the SDXC card is set to be exclusively exFAT. You may be able to format the card as FAT32, or HFS or NTFS as FAT32 can be formatted to 2TB although you can't use Microsoft utilities to do so. Microsoft will read a 2TB FAT32 file system and write to it, they just won't let you create anything over 32GB. If you want to use the SDXC card exclusively with the Mac, then you could format the card with almost any file system. I have formated a 256MB (yes MB, it is SD Version 1.00) SD card as exFAT. But put that card with exFAT into a camera, like the Panasonic Lumix which has SDXC support, and it says that the card is not formatted properly and won't let you use the card until you reformat it. A SD card is speced for FAT, a SDHC card is speced for FAT32 and a SDXC card is speced for exFAT, and some camera manufacturers enforce the proper file system. So, if you intend to use the sdxc in a camera or a phone or other consumer device, formatting it as anything other than exFAT may not be an option.
And Apple might need to license exFAT just to read it even if not to write. (might need, I don't really know as there are now forensics tols that read exfat but I don't think those guys are licensing it, maybe read only is ok and doesn't violate licensing agreements?)
The SDXC card actually begins at 48GB, which is the equivalent of a dual layer Blu-Ray disc. I have seen 48GB and 64GB so far, and the 64GB (at a low i/o speed) can be gotten at amazon for about $200. But the card are running in the $350-$600 range with speeds claimed to be 30MBs (that is mega-bytes per second) so it will be a while for the prices to come down and the speeds to increase near the SD 3.0 level of 104 MBs, let alone the SD 4.00 spec of 300 MBs.
Apr 5, 06:15 PM
Now this is what I am talking about Apple!
I can not wait to see the new iMacs, Iphones, and both new OS's!
I can not wait to see the new iMacs, Iphones, and both new OS's!
Dec 27, 07:40 PM
I have to say that LIVEFRMNYC's chat makes more sense than the Consumerist's. Fraud would certainly be reason for preventing only online sales. My guess is that the Consumerist got a typically uninformed call center employee.
Henri Gaudier
Jan 28, 03:43 AM
Interesting to hear you say that -- I use the Oyster RFID card for public transport here in London, and it's incredibly efficient. Compared to paper tickets, it's faster to use, faster to pay for, and much more durable.
Would be great to have this built into my iPhone...
EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyster_card#Usage_statistics to see just how massively popular RFID technology is here. Only 4% of Tube users use cash, the rest use RFID for their journeys!
If there's one nation running towards a surveillance state it's the UK. Even the Information Commissioner agrees. What's worse is the UK Home Office has successfully proselytised this to the Dwarf Commander In Chief Sarko who has promised to spend literally billions to emulate the UK here in France.
Would be great to have this built into my iPhone...
EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyster_card#Usage_statistics to see just how massively popular RFID technology is here. Only 4% of Tube users use cash, the rest use RFID for their journeys!
If there's one nation running towards a surveillance state it's the UK. Even the Information Commissioner agrees. What's worse is the UK Home Office has successfully proselytised this to the Dwarf Commander In Chief Sarko who has promised to spend literally billions to emulate the UK here in France.
Apr 21, 05:22 AM
It worked itself out. I don't remember if I did anything, like updates for Windows 7, or if it was just related to the initial install & a one time occurence.
Sometimes it will just sit there on some of my older workstations. Clearing cache or waiting on hardware or whatever the heck it does.
Most times it's installing something. I wait it out and eventually windows will shutdown.
Sometimes it will just sit there on some of my older workstations. Clearing cache or waiting on hardware or whatever the heck it does.
Most times it's installing something. I wait it out and eventually windows will shutdown.
Mar 11, 09:51 PM
So what happened at Knox st. Was it a sellout there as well? Anybody have any info from the area Fry's, BB, or Targets?
Aug 19, 07:14 AM
The only people who like these ads are mac users. They make the zealots feel special and supperior which might have been the whole point. As said before, you never get customers by making fun of them. These ads only alienate POTENTIAL customers, thats not a success and its not brilliant. So far apple users are the only ones defending these ads as representing products rather than the people who use the products. If everyone else doesnt see it the same way then the ad is a failure no matter how much people argue, once the target audience misses the point then youve lost. Youll get absolutely nowhere asking "are these ads elistist?" on a mac forum, go ask it on a forum with a high number of PC users and Im sure the responses will be 100% different. Computers arent cheap, if you make fun of someone who spent a lot of money on something, something they probably like a lot, youll just make them defend themselves if you act like they made a stupid decision. I mean jeez, how is that not common sense?
While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.
The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."
I think there's a lot wrong with the above. I know plenty of people who either don't care at all about computers or don't really care for Macs (my girlfriend, for example) who find them humorous.
MY TV Production students all think they're great advertising, technically sound, and the subtle humor (not elitist attitudes) that really convey humor to a broad crowd, even if you don't get all of the reasons why the in-jokes are there.
As far as asking a PC user a Mac-biased question, well that's just stupid. I could riff on how it's like pro-life forum and talking about choice, etc. but I'll just leave it at this.
Bottom line, which I think nearly everyone missed, is that they are commercials, they are silly, and no one should really take them too seriously. If Justin Long single-handedly turned you off to computing with Macs, then--I hate to say this--you are probably a d-bag.
While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.
The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."
I think there's a lot wrong with the above. I know plenty of people who either don't care at all about computers or don't really care for Macs (my girlfriend, for example) who find them humorous.
MY TV Production students all think they're great advertising, technically sound, and the subtle humor (not elitist attitudes) that really convey humor to a broad crowd, even if you don't get all of the reasons why the in-jokes are there.
As far as asking a PC user a Mac-biased question, well that's just stupid. I could riff on how it's like pro-life forum and talking about choice, etc. but I'll just leave it at this.
Bottom line, which I think nearly everyone missed, is that they are commercials, they are silly, and no one should really take them too seriously. If Justin Long single-handedly turned you off to computing with Macs, then--I hate to say this--you are probably a d-bag.

Dec 27, 10:16 PM
They wouldn't lose ALL online sales, just the ones from certain zip codes where it believes fraud is high.
There are more iPhones, Macs, etc. sold here than anywhere in the world. There is a reason why Apple has so many stores here. iPhones are more prevalent here than anywhere.

Tropicana Las Vegas Hotel Map

las vegas strip hotel map

las vegas strip hotel map

las vegas strip hotel map
There are more iPhones, Macs, etc. sold here than anywhere in the world. There is a reason why Apple has so many stores here. iPhones are more prevalent here than anywhere.
Jan 8, 01:17 PM
Cool. Some people say it's fake but I know for a fact that it is legit unless someone photoshopped the Banner in...
Really? :eek:
Really? :eek:
May 28, 06:34 PM
Only sysops can delete pages. If you want to create a test category I can delete it when you're done with it.
Alright, thanks for the offer, however it looks like Eraserhead already confirmed what I was thinking so I don't think there's a need to create a test one anymore to confirm myself.
Alright, thanks for the offer, however it looks like Eraserhead already confirmed what I was thinking so I don't think there's a need to create a test one anymore to confirm myself.
Sep 25, 10:38 AM
Aperture and iPod the library can be transferred via iTunes 7 now also to iPod and regarded there.
Wanted this too.:)
Wanted this too.:)
Mar 16, 11:44 PM
$1.10/L for regular at the co-op across the way i think that makes it about $4.17/Gallon
May 2, 02:12 PM
Silly people. Don't they know black is a slimming color, while white makes you look huge?
Mar 21, 03:08 AM
Who cares??? its a $500 device that can replace all computer needs of any student. Period.
When was the last time you were in a university class? No offense, but before the iPad came out, I said I would purchase one if it did everything I needed it to do (word processing, FULL internet, music, and email). Unfortunately, it doesn't multi-task, and it does not do the full internet.
When was the last time you were in a university class? No offense, but before the iPad came out, I said I would purchase one if it did everything I needed it to do (word processing, FULL internet, music, and email). Unfortunately, it doesn't multi-task, and it does not do the full internet.
Feb 23, 01:29 PM
Here we go kids!! Expect lot's of grandstanding and some real knee jerk legislation cause this IS the year to gear up for the big election. I wish someone would inform people that it's their responsibility to be informed consumers AND parents. My kid racked up $380 in cell downloads in one month. I didn't need my senator to step in. I took away her phone for a month, blocked her ability to purchase ANYTHING on it, and worked out the bill with my provider (AT&T) who practically wiped it all away. This is just going to burden us with more laws and subsequently, more taxes in the form of direct taxation of products, indirect taxes by way of price hikes due to a rise in business tax, or BOTH.
Amazing, a parent that actually does what they are supposed to.
Amazing, a parent that actually does what they are supposed to.
Mar 31, 11:14 AM
$1.24/L for Basic here in Canada and Premium is at $1.39/L.
Oct 9, 03:19 PM
I shop at Target all the time for DVDs, iTunes selling those movies is not going to change this.
Maybe not for you, but it will for me, and probably a lot of other folks as well.
Once I have a decent method of getting my movies from my computer to my TV (i.e. iTV), and iTunes has more selection, I plan on never buying another DVD again. I'm in the minority here I'm sure, but for how long? How long before digital distribution is the method of choice for your average Joe?
My point is that their (Wal-Mart/Target) concerns are valid, but they're still just whining about it because they're scared of competition. Why isn't Wal-Mart whining and complaining about the Music Store? Oh... That's right, because they have one of their own. :rolleyes:
Maybe not for you, but it will for me, and probably a lot of other folks as well.
Once I have a decent method of getting my movies from my computer to my TV (i.e. iTV), and iTunes has more selection, I plan on never buying another DVD again. I'm in the minority here I'm sure, but for how long? How long before digital distribution is the method of choice for your average Joe?
My point is that their (Wal-Mart/Target) concerns are valid, but they're still just whining about it because they're scared of competition. Why isn't Wal-Mart whining and complaining about the Music Store? Oh... That's right, because they have one of their own. :rolleyes:
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