Wednesday, June 1, 2011

charlotte casiraghi of monaco

charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi, daughter
  • Charlotte Casiraghi, daughter

  • Project
    Nov 5, 06:48 AM
    It may out eye candy OS-X,but it's still Windows. If you put a dress on a pig,it's still a pig ;)..Not to mention the fact that a large % of PC's out there aren't even capable of running it.So if somebody has a choice to make of either getting a new PC to run Vista,or switch to OS-X??Things could get interesting this coming year...

    That wasnt my point. Im saying one (big) avenue for switching is closed.

    Another one has opened though with Paralles/Boot Camp. It offers a no risk means to getting a Mac and not necessarily OSX.

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte, of course
  • Charlotte, of course

  • puppyflightclub
    Feb 18, 10:16 AM
    so is steve sick or not?

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi Princess
  • Charlotte Casiraghi Princess

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 26, 12:32 PM
    Doubtful. A judge already said they don't infringe.

    Read the news much lately ?

    The ITC has decided to review that judge's ruling. It's still on.

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi and
  • Charlotte Casiraghi and

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 24, 03:43 PM
    Just picked one up for the wife.


    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. charlotte casiraghi 2010
  • charlotte casiraghi 2010

  • jowie
    Apr 20, 07:51 AM
    What's all the talk of an all-white home button in the first video? I've seen it and I can see a square on the button. It looks like the same phone in both videos to me.

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi Princess
  • Charlotte Casiraghi Princess

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 05:51 AM
    The MBA currently sold is a solid contender in and of itself. It has the perfect set of features already for me. The only things I'd want :

    - higher resolution screen. 13", 1920x1200. Do it.
    - Better GPU/CPU combo. No SB + Intel crap, gimme nVidia with newer generation processors. Intel should just get out of the GPU business.
    - USB3 only to get a 1 Gbps USB Ethernet adapter. But that's candy.

    Otherwise, keep it like it is.


    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi of
  • Charlotte Casiraghi of

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 6, 11:08 AM
    Need to wait a year at least to see how thunderbolt pans out. The only thunderbolt drive I know of is Lacie's and its announced as coming soon. But how much will it cost?

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi co-hosts
  • Charlotte Casiraghi co-hosts

  • fragiledreams
    Sep 15, 04:04 PM
    What you are saying are untrue stereotypes about Windows OS. Windows NT4, 2000 and XP are extremely stable and, if you like it or not, service packs realy work. Finaly that thing about new bugs is only in your imagination.


    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte
  • Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte

  • neurobound
    Feb 27, 10:02 AM
    In-app purchase can be disabled using parental control. This is stupid. I expect my tax to be used by my government to tackle bigger problems, oh maybe like jobs and the economy, not to appease some idiot "parents."

    That's probably where you and most people misunderstand the role of government. Through the consent of many people, the government is responsible for the current state of our economy, thanks to the high taxation, regulation (more often favoring a large corporation rather than smaller business) and social programs promising far more than they ever could ever practically provide.

    Just ask yourself, with our government spending record amounts of tax dollars. Handing out more unemployment and welfare dollars than ever - more more than any government in the world, by far - shouldn't we be more prosperous than ever?

    These booms and bust's don't just... happen. Give up the faith in this idea that government MICROMANAGEMENT is going to save us. The burden of this economy could swiftly be lifted off our shoulders if people would recognize the necessity to strip funding to all unconstitutional programs. We could be prosperous again if we the people would collectively recognize that to fix these problems, small steps can't be taken, but immediate... radical legislative progress that guts the current budget and corporate favoritism and military empire.

    Regulation isn't inherently a bad thing - it can be a law we all agree on, however if we look more closely at regulation we usually get, it's often a law that's built to favor a particular party, quite often the larger corporation. Shouldn't the law be equal to all? It is for this reason many of us are against so many regulations, they hurt small businesses, and ultimately the average person.

    This isn't about government vs rich as so many people seem to get stuck on. Some of the rich that so many people hate, virtually OWN the government. So why continue to fund their efforts as we have for way too long now?

    The constitution for the united states, if we can't agree on that single document, the law of the land that define's the limits of our government's authority...then what hope do we have to agree on anything?

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi Monaco
  • Charlotte Casiraghi Monaco

  • tk421
    Aug 19, 10:48 AM
    YEP! - But how many people say "do you have a Facebook" when you first meet them and add them later in the day? Also, haven't you heard about the privacy issues, you surely must not live under a rock!

    Why are you adding people that you only met hours earlier if you are concerned about privacy issues? I really don't think this new feature is anything to get too alarmed about. It's like any other information people already post on Facebook—just think before you post.

    That said, I have no intention of using this new feature. But I don't think I'm a typical Facebook user. I only log in about once a week, and rarely post anything.


    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco
  • Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco

    Aug 27, 11:00 PM
    I strongly disagree that these ads are elitist, or even snobbery. The point of the ads is that mac is different. HP can use demonstrations to show how, in a perfect world, their computers can do good stuff with windows. Apple has a different need. Apple does not build commodity computers. Apple is an ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM must differentiate itself compared to everything else out there. The need is to show that there IS a difference, and that Apple represents a very different way of working with computers.

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi arriving
  • Charlotte Casiraghi arriving

  • rovex
    Apr 5, 11:58 AM
    True, physical plastic home button is very easy to get micro scratches which are pretty visible. Again, capacitive home button flush with the glass will not have micro scratches like on plastic.

    The issue which arises now though is the responsiveness of capacitive buttons. As in maybe they lose responssiveness after a while.


    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi Princess
  • Charlotte Casiraghi Princess

  • Huntn
    Mar 11, 12:46 PM
    Anyone think this is a good idea for a thread? If so...

    I'm putting down an engineered floor in my bedroom, was at the local Home Depot hardware store and found a 3 piece Dasco Pro Pry Bar Set ( It's well made, very functional for working with trim and prying up carpet strips, reasonably priced, and marked as Made in the USA! :)

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Princess Charlotte Casiraghi
  • Princess Charlotte Casiraghi

  • *LTD*
    Apr 30, 03:24 PM
    If you need any kind of savvy to effectively and productively use an operating system, the operating system is poorly designed.

    Sorry, guys. New rules for the post-PC era. Complexity is OUT. Get with the game. Forget conventional IT logic. It no longer applies.

    Anyone who chooses the simplest operating system (like OS X and iOS, obviously) to accomplish the same tasks *is* savvy.


    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte
  • Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte

  • malohkan
    Apr 6, 01:50 PM
    Many people can't afford to own two vehicles. Car payments, second registration, second inspection, and maintenance on that second vehicle will likely cost more money than just buying more gas.

    I don't want to spend money on more than one computer or maintain more than one.

    Definitely true. If you need 1 primary device, I can't imagine the iPad would be it. If you need to write long papers or do lots and lots of productivity work and you need 1 device to do it, it seems obvious that it's not going to be the iPad. What irks me is people writing posts about "well it can't be a primary computing device" and I really just want to say "WELL DUH!!"

    The iPad has a HUGE market, but it isn't even going after the "primary computing device" market, so why complain or criticize it for not winning that market?

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. S.A.S. Charlotte Casiraghi
  • S.A.S. Charlotte Casiraghi

  • mmulin
    Jul 7, 02:16 AM
    Is Apple thinking that SD cards are going to become the new "floppies"?

    Many people who exchange files by 'sneaker net' use CDs, but don't need the capacity of a CD. Plus while rewriteable CDs exist, they are pricey and most people don't use them. Most files are exchanged a barely used CD that then gets shelved and collects dust.

    Imagine if people started exchanging SD cards. Initially lower capacities only will be available, but soon CD equivalent SD cards will be available, and soon after that the 1 and 2 TB cards.

    If Apple can create enough demand for cards, then economies of scale will bring prices down as they become a standard commodity.

    As others have mentioned the bigger capacity ones would have all sorts of uses besides the exchange of files. Wow.


    Are you living in 2005 or so? Recent SD cards already max out at 64GB. That is already ~100 CDs worth of data.


    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. +charlotte+casiraghi+of+
  • +charlotte+casiraghi+of+

  • boch82
    Apr 27, 10:56 AM
    MPEG Stream Clip (assuming these are not protected DVDs)

    Drag the VOB file into the app
    Open as a stream so you get the whole dvd.

    drag the slider to the beginning of the clip you want press "i" drag the slider to the end press "o"

    export to the settings you need for your editing app

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco
  • Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco

  • skunk
    Apr 3, 07:07 PM
    Am I winning you over?I have no idea what you're talking about. I was responding to Ugg. :confused:

    charlotte casiraghi of monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte
  • Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte

  • Arran
    Mar 26, 05:15 PM
    Schmidt: Hey Steve, you think a quarter's an okay tip? I mean, it's only a latte.

    Steve: Pffft. No wonder you're rich.

    Schmidt: (Looks around furtively. Whispers.) All in pennies - so it looks bigger. Yeah?

    Steve: They'll count it, dummy!

    Schmidt: Okay. I'll hand it to that *other* server, and ask him to pass it on?

    Steve: (Sighs. Shakes head) They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it.

    (Okay, maybe not :) )

    Mar 17, 03:17 AM
    Whats this feature for? I don't know if it was in SL Server but its part of the mail settings and don't know if its for certification or for using apple's mobile me mail service for pushing mail to iOS devices.

    Jun 18, 04:26 PM
    How beautiful would that be for Time Machine, particularly in a laptop?

    Sounds absolutely perfect.

    Nov 18, 09:39 PM
    Aren't there a half dozen or so other websites that sell/do the exact same thing as this kid? As well as likely hundreds of eBay sellers?

    So, what I missing here? Why all the scrutiny for this kid?

    Plus, his website clearly says they're non-OEM parts. So I really don't get all the negative hooplah here.

    Apr 5, 05:52 PM
    However, one question that intrigues me is Europe's mini-USB adoption with cell devices. How will this factor in?

    that's exactly what i was wondering about! i don't know if EU regulations apply to the ipad, but they certainly do apply to the iphone. and i think, apple has to include a miniUSB port (standardized charger) to the iphone 5 if they want to sell it here in europe. a simply dock connector just won't do.

    Dec 8, 02:27 AM
    Rest in peace.

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