Wednesday, June 8, 2011

black and white wallpaper

black and white wallpaper. Black And White Wallpaper
  • Black And White Wallpaper

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 07:01 AM
    Just trying to hedge off the 5,123 "This is BS, no MBP/MB updates OMG!!!11BBQ" threads. ;)

    Oh mate, it's gonna be bedlam...

    black and white wallpaper. Black in White Splat Wallpaper
  • Black in White Splat Wallpaper

  • McGiord
    Apr 9, 07:11 PM
    Official Google answer.

    Is this MacRumors or GoogleRumors?

    black and white wallpaper. lack and white wallpaper
  • lack and white wallpaper

  • Small White Car
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    But Toyota wasn't jailbreaking. Didn't the courts rule that Apple couldn't stop the jailbreak community?

    Yes, but the ruling was based on the fact that it's all for 'personal use.'

    Once they start taking $$$ from multinational corporations it sure seem less like 'personal use,' doesn't it?

    I'm not a lawyer so I can't say for sure, but I sure thought Cydia was opening up a can of worms when I read about this yesterday. It's probably good for them that Toyota pulled out. I could see the jailbreak community getting less leeway with courts in the future if they start raking in millions of dollars. Then they suddenly start looking like a competing company trying to steal Apple's business, don't they?

    It may be legal for Cydia to do this, but I was quite worried that it would make their lives very unpleasent in the future if they kept it up. I like how all the jailbreakers in this thread are acting like this was a good thing. It honestly could have ended up being the thing that caused the most damage to jailbreaking!

    black and white wallpaper. lack and white floral
  • lack and white floral

  • BC2009
    Apr 26, 04:14 PM
    Boy, you are sniffing a serious amount of glue.:rolleyes: His motivation is to make brainwashed fanboys BELIEVE Apple is making the best darn tech gadgets in the world, such that Apple can make the most darn profits and he can get the biggest darn bonus. And with THAT, he is a genious.


    Tony had better check the fumes in his own house. The "brainwashed fanboy" argument just keeps sounding more and more like self-deluding denial and some kind of insecurity or envy. How he could read my entire post and somehow have that sentence be the one that strikes a chord makes me think that Tony might in fact be insecure about some decision he has made. Maybe Tony is afraid that others have a different opinion than him and that somehow might diminish his opinion. Better lash out now before more people disagree -- try your best to belittle them and maybe they might agree with you instead, right? I know... accuse them of sniffing glue and being brainwashed -- that just might work..... :rolleyes:

    I am truly amazed that the wider the audience becomes for Apple products the bigger the argument for "brainwashed fanboys" gets . It's really hard to have over 200 million "fanboys" and even harder to brainwash them. If Steve Jobs could in fact accomplish that then he could rule the world. I don't think he is that good of a marketer.

    Apple's target audience is not the fans, fanatics, and fanboys who post on this and other websites -- its the everyday folks who just want their tech gadgets to work without them having to think about it. It just so happens that many of the tech-savvy professionals who do real work with their computers and tech devices also like the technology to just get out of the way.

    When 200 million or more people feel that your expensive tech products are the ones they want to spend their money on, then you must be doing something right -- and I don't think it is some kind of Jedi mind trick.

    Clearly, Jobs wants the world to think his products are the best, but I don't think it has anything to do with money -- I think he would be done by now if it was all about money -- unless he saving up to buy something really big :D. There is something more personal about it to the guy -- he is way to invested in being CEO of Apple -- its seems more than a job to him, he takes things way too personally.

    Personally, I think that Apple products can be beat on specific features, but when comparing the whole product (hardware, OS, software availability, ecosystem, support, ease-of-use, and integration across product-line), they get my tech-allowance money almost every time. When somebody rises up and offers me a suite of components that work better than Apple's do together then they will likely start getting my money instead -- it wouldn't be the first time I switched platforms, but currently Apple is my platform of choice.

    black and white wallpaper. lack amp; white wallpapers. lack
  • lack amp; white wallpapers. lack

  • Eidorian
    Aug 4, 11:39 AM
    How many people plan to dump their Core Duo Macs for Core 2 Duo Macs?I sold my iMac G5 back in June. :rolleyes:

    black and white wallpaper. Simple Black White Wallpaper
  • Simple Black White Wallpaper

  • mscriv
    Apr 14, 10:23 AM
    But every American should be chipping in to solve the issues that we're facing.

    We're in the lifeboat, and the water's rising. Everybody pick up a pail and start bailing.

    Admittedly, I didn't read the article posted by rdowns, but from reading the quotes he put in the OP, I'd have to say I disagree somewhat with your comments. Sure, we should all be working together, but the point is that those who are making the most are not paying at the same share/percentage as those who are lower or middle income.

    Is it fair and in line with "everyone chipping in" if the person making $50,000 a year has to pay 20+% of their income, but the person making $1,000,000 a year only has to pay 16%?

    Additionally, let's not forget that there is a lot of tension between "everyone chipping in" and the select few who make the decisions about how what has been "chipped in" gets spent. I have no problem doing my part to pay taxes as I do benefit from roads, schools, etc., but I do have a problem with a lot of the wasteful ways in which tax money is spent. We could all benefit from some efficiency, improved budgeting, and controlled spending on the government level.

    black and white wallpaper. Black And White
  • Black And White

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 25, 03:27 AM
    If this is true, I'd be a little pissed lol. I just traded up from my two 23" ACD's for two 24" LED LCD's.

    Hopefully this means with the Mac Pro rumors refresh and Final Cut release that Apple is refocusing on their neglected pro-line. Maybe we'll see a full line of dedicated displays instead of one stripped down iMac panel.

    Don't bet on it!

    Apple is clearly a consumer based company now.. it could care less about the small niche of the mac pro. iMac? Yes, mac mini? Yes, the laptops? Yes, mac pro? NO.

    black and white wallpaper. lack and white wallpaper
  • lack and white wallpaper

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 09:49 PM
    To illustrate your point, PalmOne (if that's what the PalmOS Group is called this month...) is doing the aforemnetioned ground-up rewrite of PalmOS now (it should be available to devs soon if they're on schedule) and it's based on Linux. Stable, massively featureful, full PalmOS 5 backward-compatibility, and futureproof.

    Yet the hardware arm of Palm has said it might not buy the new sytem from the software arm. I have to imagine this has to do with posturing/playing the good little beoch to Microsoft. We know what happens to companies which partner with Microsoft... that they have proves prima facia that they're unequipped to run a company.

    I hate to keep dragging my personal employment history into the discussion here, but this is *hardly* the first time this kind of factor has been in play.

    I worked for what was, until (talk about timing!) April 1st of this year, a fully-Sony-staffed technical support facility. We provided tech support for Sony computers, monitors, CLIÉ PDAs, WebTV, Satellite tv, TVs, DVD players, VCRs, phones, all the Business and Professional stuff, etc. Yet (with the exception of B&P), our facility competed for tech-supporting our products with other tech support agencies out there, including our own out-sourced tech support partners.

    Sony frequently would not include their own subsystems (CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, writers, etc.) in their own products because they wouldn't (some say "couldn't" but I don't buy that) let themselves have their own inventory cheap enough in a lot of cases. Heck, for that matter, it wasn't until sometime in early 2004 (basically 1 year and change before we all got kicked out) that they switched from 500MHz P3-based Hewlett-Packard desktop computers as our actual "agent workstations" to 3.2GHz P4-based VAIOs. For that matter (and yes this is a rant, but it's also pertinent to this aspect of the discussion) it wasn't until like the last year-and-a-half, maybe not-quite-two-years of our operations that they managed to get more than a handful of current-model Sony computer products into the building AND into the hands of those of us doing the tech support. (The reason for this largely relates to the fact that we as the "tech support" division were the red-headed step-child, and basically a money pit, and we had to actually *buy* our own products at regular retail prices from our manufacturing divisions, instead of them sending them to us.) Now, make of that what you will.

    I go into this to basically say that it doesn't surprise me to see any company playing the "house divided" strategy. The only problem is that it is a losing strategy. Whether religious or not, people should at least look *this* up in the Bible as a basic, common sense 101 lesson on how not to run your personal life or your business. Ah, but I digress...

    black and white wallpaper. pop art lack and white at
  • pop art lack and white at

  • Blacklabel34
    Mar 30, 03:31 AM
    So the factory is fine but the loading dock is damaged? And they had to shut down the factory because they can't figure out another way to bring in the supplies? :confused:

    Sounds like we are not getting the whole story...

    black and white wallpaper. lack white wallpapers.
  • lack white wallpapers.

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 11:20 PM
    I always expected the four existing lines to go merom. It's pretty much a firmware update away from using existing hardware and the form factors used are more geared towards lower power chips.

    this might be likely, but i doubt it right away and all at the same time

    black and white wallpaper. wallpaper black white.
  • wallpaper black white.

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 2, 06:28 PM
    I do not expect MacBook Pros because Intel Core 2 Duo for notebooks has not been announced yet.

    It was introduced last Thursday along with the Core 2 Duo for desktop (Merom, Conroe, and Woodcrest).

    I believe someone quote an Intel official saying consumors should see Core 2 Duo Mobile computers by late August.

    My [selfish?] logic:
    Aug 7 + shipping in two weeks = late August

    black and white wallpaper. Alas 3 sa Hapon
  • Alas 3 sa Hapon

  • lilo777
    Apr 26, 04:44 PM
    I just don't really see how anyone should be surprised. It should be totally obvious to anyone who watches the smart phone market that Android would easily surpass IOS--they are indeed everywhere and I'm sure when it comes time to get a new phone--those with no preconceived ideas on what they want will walk out of the store with some kind of Android. Most who go in looking for an iPhone will probably leave with one. As long as Apple--and their shareholders are happy, I don't think it really matters.

    Phone users will be the first to see feel the impact of these developments as Android ecosystem will see much faster development than iOS. With more and better options, users will overwhelmingly switch to Android. And then, it'll be AAPL shareholders turn to feel the impact.

    black and white wallpaper. lack and white wallpaper
  • lack and white wallpaper

  • 21stcenturykid
    Aug 11, 02:38 PM
    What about the keyboard don't you like? I have MacBook and my wife has a MacBook Pro. Both seem very good. I do miss the lighted keyboard though. Almost went and bough a Pro today with Glossy screen but afraid of Sept. updates:)

    black and white wallpaper. Black and white Susake
  • Black and white Susake

  • wclyffe
    Dec 16, 10:34 AM
    just received an email detailing that BLT has an updated eta for 12/20

    Me, too.

    black and white wallpaper. White Pale Rose Wallpaper,
  • White Pale Rose Wallpaper,

  • PBF
    Apr 20, 12:24 AM
    So, how many more times are various sources gonna reiterate that iPhone 5 is to come out in Fall? :rolleyes:

    black and white wallpaper. in lack and white
  • in lack and white

  • rtcruz1
    Apr 26, 04:22 PM
    The way the Android OS is structured, and with the number of manufacturers making Android based smartphones, it would only be a matter time before the total number outgrew what one manufacturer of one phone could make.

    black and white wallpaper. Black And White Wallpaper
  • Black And White Wallpaper

  • peharri
    Nov 27, 10:27 AM
    Oh, sure. But GNU/Linux could slowly introduce a standardized set of cell phone hardware platforms to build from, just like Intel and AMD and ATI (now a part of AMD, of course) and NVidia produce reference platform hardware that then anyone can make a compatible motherboard/daughter card from, what needs to happen is to have one particularly successful and particularly popular cell phone interface, and then (potentially) everyone would be clamoring to sell it to their customers.

    That would take a degree of cooperation and coordination I've never seen in that environment. There's also the not-so-small issue that there is, so far as I can see, no public, free-software, GSM, UMTS, or IS-95/AMPS stacks and someone would have to write one. an environment where, as yet, they can't even run the software they write. Porting the Linux kernel to the iPod and Nintendo DS was relatively simple, Linux pre-existed, and it was Linux's built-in functionality - the ability to run GNU - that was desired. But a cellphone OS needs to, fundamentally, be a cellphone at the end of the process.

    black and white wallpaper. lack and white wallpaper for
  • lack and white wallpaper for

  • spiralstairs
    Mar 30, 09:15 PM
    Don't get me wrong.. I'm excited for Lion. But I don't want a ton of iOS in my Mac OS.

    I don't care what you want. Apple decides that.

    black and white wallpaper. This lack and white wallpaper
  • This lack and white wallpaper

  • puuukeey
    Sep 11, 02:41 PM
    * new middle mac should be thirty inch tv. built in bluetooth for control couch. remote with track ball. bundled with eyetv and x10 automation software. NO MORE WHITE PLASTIC
    * bluetooth remote. (a few more buttons)
    * Airport Express with video and 5.1
    * Plugin architecture for front row!!!!!!!!!
    * add screen savers to front row(did this myself)
    * add video and audio messaging to front row (did this myself)
    * Jeff Han coffee table.

    Apr 26, 02:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Keep in mind that this is smartphone marketshare only. It doesn't include the iPhone and iPad, or android-based tablets. Include those and you'd have a much different picture.

    Edit: Small White Car gets it. Exactly what I was trying to say. Although I would argue it doesn't make sense to look at smartphones only even now.

    May 6, 03:58 AM
    Why do you think, MS is making an ARM version of Windows 8? Because ARM is gona be the actual feature x68 enemy. Time will tell.

    Or they want Windows phones on ARM... which they already are aren't they?.

    Just like Apple put OSX on ARM 5 years ago (aka iPhone OS).

    Apr 10, 05:59 PM
    Math is a language we engineers, scientists, economists, etc... are fluent in.

    To us this is not-ideal delivery method, but it has a definite meaning.

    Looking at the thread, I think there is a clear dividing line. Native math speakers: scientists, engineers, programmers, etc... say 288. Others who are effectively non-native speakers may interpret 2 due to their lack of fluency.


    I don't see how you can say that. None the less how anyone can confidently answer this question.

    You arrive at 288 by multiplying 48/2 * (9+3), but that is assuming multiplication is the implied operator.

    The way the equation is written, this question simply does not make sense. Parenthesis or something similar are needed to make this equation solvable.

    You say you are fluent in mathematics, etc, but fluency requires proper syntax, which the equation simply does not have. If a professional gave me this problem to solve I would call them an idiot.

    Apr 23, 08:59 PM
    5120x2880 on a 27" iMac? :eek: :D :) :D :eek: :apple:

    Mar 27, 08:32 AM
    Don't know if this is true, but IF Apple was to "delay" an iOS 5 release, they would start leaking those plans now.

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