Sunday, June 5, 2011

manowar hail to england

manowar hail to england. manowar hail to england music
  • manowar hail to england music

  • hulugu
    May 2, 12:50 PM
    No major changes. Some new wacko will step up and fill the fresh void.

    That being said, it is a HUGE moral victory for us and our troops.

    I'm not so sure that the void can be filled. Osama Bin Laden had become a figurehead, split away from his funding and logistical support, and existed as a symbol.
    A new leader would have to fulfill that same roll, but Al Qaeda's money trail has been cut to ribbons, their logistical support is broken, and the organization's ability to recruit may be blunted by the 'Arab Spring.'

    The Taliban, however, will keep on rolling, but they have always operated as a separate group, although their operational structures were intertwined.

    Remember that Al Qaeda has been 'franchising' itself since before 9/11, so expect to see clones popping up in Africa and the Mid East that claim the same lineage, with leaders who will claim to be the next Osama Bin Laden.

    However, that moment has passed.

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • vancleef
    Apr 11, 05:20 PM
    Haha, spoiled Americans ;)
    Cheapest in my town, Gothenburg, Sweden, is $8,5 per gallon...

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • Jon'sLightBulbs
    Nov 11, 02:04 AM
    Alright geniuses. Now that you've divulged your great linguistic abilities, why don't you provide a brief translation!

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • iMikeT
    Oct 26, 09:27 PM
    As much as I would like to have .Mac and be able to sync my data, I still can't justify $99 for 1gb of web storage. Hopefully the Apple/Google alliance has some impact regarding the pricing of Apple's web services.

    I'm glad I have Gmail and its 2.309843598745398745987345gb of storage!:D


    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • iowamensan
    Mar 19, 08:04 PM
    I miss the days when I could order an 8 pack of eMacs for our school for $4995. That comes out to less than $625 each. Now the cheapest computer I can get from Apple is $899 for the 20" iMac, (maybe $825 if I buy 25 or so and sweet talk my account rep). That's like a $5000-7000 difference for a lab of 25. Not small peanuts by any means when it comes to school budgets.

    This $20 discount is a kick in the nuts from Apple. They'll still charge us 29 bucks for each stupid dongle and make that right back. (cue Clark Griswold rant)

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • ntrigue
    Jan 6, 08:51 PM
    I like to ONLY have a 'sound' or 'badge' as the screen turning ON/OFF with Push messages does affect the battery...


    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • bobber205
    Apr 7, 10:19 PM
    Or just, uh.... not smart?

    Trying to kill planned parenthood = less birth control available = more abortions.

    That's just common sense. I know they're all about abstinence being the best option but come on!

    It's not the only option. Jees. :rolleyes:

    How dumb can a party/movement be? Are they just refusing to think more than the one superficially thin layer of preventing Planned Parenthood providing abortions? Is that what they think PP just does?

    I'm so confused.

    manowar hail to england. Hail To England - 1984
  • Hail To England - 1984

  • GulGnu
    Jun 11, 03:17 PM
    Well, I formally switched today (my iBook arrived) - and I must say I am very impressed with the Mac. It feels like a quality build, and OS X feels better overall than Windows XP. (I think XP is a pretty good OS btw)

    I went with the iBook because it was a pretty good value notebook, especially after recent price drops here in Europe. I don't think I qualify as a Mac zealot quite yet though... We'll see how the 'book holds up in a few weeks =P


    -Stabil som fan!


    manowar hail to england. Hail to England is Manowar#39;s
  • Hail to England is Manowar#39;s

  • Designer Dale
    Mar 22, 12:01 AM
    Previsualization is the most under rated aspect to photography, you're never going to be much of a photographer if you simply don't have a clear and concise vision of what you want the final print to come out like before you start shooting, this includes what post processing you're going to be doing.
    Bingo! We have a winner!
    Looking, but not seeing. Thinking, but not imagining.
    Excellent point.


    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 09:21 AM
    No it will not! Focal length is not the same thing as the same as field of view.

    Never said it was


    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • barenature
    Apr 26, 02:25 AM

    Something odd happened to me yesterday and I'd like to ask for your opinion. I had been postponing the latest update of OSX for a few weeks and decided to finally install this update yesterday.

    After installing this update, my iMac became terribly slow up to the point that it is basically unusable. Booting up takes ages and when logged in I see the spinning beach ball more than I'd like. I couldn't figure out what the problem was and decided to simply do a clean install as I did not have the time to figure this out.

    After a clean install, I downloaded all the updates and the iMac seemed to run smooth again, but this morning I noticed that the iMac is again extremely slow.

    Has anyone of you experienced this problem before?

    Some additional information:
    - iMac 20" 2.4GHz 4GB RAM 320 HDD
    - tried resetting PRAM
    - HDD only has one partition (so no Bootcamp)

    I have run an Apple Hardware Test and I am getting an HDD error. The odd thing is that when I now boot from the install DVD and launch Disk Utility, my HD is not even showing up. It only shows up as a drive labeled "Media".

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • dloomer
    Oct 16, 04:48 PM
    At this point ill believe it when I see it. I think that the only thing all these Darn rumors asy is how mcuh everyone in general would love an apple phone. done right, an iphone could easily replace most peoples phones and ipods. add into it, home on ipod, and I see a winner. but this is all speculation... ill belive it when i see it

    Here's what I'm sick and tired of:

    "The video iPod will come out this summer."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."
    "The video iPod will come out this fall."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."
    "The video iPod will still come out this year sometime."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."
    "The video iPod will still come out this year. No, seriously this time."
    "The video iPod won't be ready until 2007."

    Give me a break.


    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • iMacmatician
    Jun 18, 04:28 PM
    Something I'd like to see is a rackmount SDXC RAID array. Think how many sd slots would fit in a 1U array. I know, probably won't happen, but still interesting to see.And this is just the front�

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • mrfoof82
    Jun 18, 06:30 PM
    Is Apple thinking that SD cards are going to become the new "floppies"?

    Plus while rewriteable CDs exist, they are pricey and most people don't use them.

    Re-writable optical media was only useful when the price of non-rewritable media was still non-trivial. When the cost of an optical disc is $0.10 in bulk at retail, people stopped caring considering how long it took to "erase" the disc for re-use.

    I'd say around 2003 or 2004 is when I had long stopped caring about re-writable optical media. Especially considering that photo-reactive dye was prone to degrading over time, rendering the data unreadable.

    The main issue with SD and most removable media is still transfer rate and access time. Although you *can* boot off of it, most mobile hard disks still handily trounce SD media. Granted, I'd expect SD and other removable flash memory to pass all spinning rust in due time.


    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • lmalave
    Nov 14, 12:26 PM
    I'm flying Delta NYC to Madrid next week - too bad it's not available now.

    Domestically, I basically only fly Jet Blue so I guess no iPod integration for me...

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • str1f3
    Dec 27, 08:21 PM
    Same reason most online stores don't ship to Nigeria.

    If statistics show problem online fraud areas in a much higher percentage than other cities, it makes sense to temporarily curb it.

    You're talking about a whole country. As it is right now there are more iPhones in NYC than anywhere else. In order for this to be true it would mean tens of thousands of NYers, at least, are having their personal info stolen. Also, why only the iPhone? Wouldn't these thieves with all their stolen info just move onto another AT&T phone that costs just as much? Such as BB? Why hasn't any other telco stopped onlines sales of any of their high priced phones in NYC? Surely these thieves wouldn't just buy one phone.

    To believe this you would have to jump through many conclusions, some being illogical.


    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • amols
    Sep 1, 02:15 AM
    Who wants to take bets on when the update will be released on torrent sites and FTP servers just like the dev beta? :D

    It says 'through Software Update', so if you have Leopard installed, you should be able to download it just like normal updates. No need to go BACK to torrents ;) .

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • Thex1138
    Mar 23, 07:33 PM
    I need your clothes,
    Your boots,
    And your iPhone!

    You forgot to say please! :D

    manowar hail to england. Manowar — Hail To England
  • Manowar — Hail To England

  • IntelliUser
    Apr 8, 09:12 AM
    Everything I've been reading is saying that it is the riders and not the actual budget that some GOP members are holding out on. It is more about cutting off PPH then the actual budget reduction...

    That's so disgusting.

    Mar 13, 10:17 AM
    Checked my phone at about 3:06 this morning, when I hit the sleep/wake button the lockscreen clock said 2:06, but as soon as I unlocked the screen the clock adjusted to 3:06, hardly a problem for me, and Verizon iPhone by the way.

    Mar 28, 08:30 AM
    Can't wait to see what they announce. It would be nice to see a bigger jump than usual for iOS and hopefully a shipping date for Lion.

    My thoughts exactly. I've been awaiting the SB Lion OS iMacs for the longest time now. I cannot wait-looking forward to any more news on this front!

    (Opps. My response was meant as a reply to Post# 13.)

    Apr 1, 08:51 AM
    2011. People are still watching TV? Scary.

    indeed. the day will come that it wont matter what you watch content on, just how it gets paid for...

    wishing that advertising would just die is fun. pipe-dream, but fun nonetheless. everyone wants to be paid.

    Sep 25, 10:55 AM
    apple just updated their page to aperture 1.5.

    all the details there now

    Apr 26, 10:16 AM
    $4.09 today in the hudson valley, NY state

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