Sunday, June 5, 2011

heart outline images

heart outline images. Heart Outline Version Vector
  • Heart Outline Version Vector

  • dextertangocci
    Nov 12, 11:17 AM
    lol. They speak so fast!

    heart outline images. PLAY | Ladies Heart S/S
  • PLAY | Ladies Heart S/S

  • motox25
    Apr 19, 11:19 AM
    I have an 06 Mac Pro that was in need of a video card upgrade. The unit came with a Nvidia 7300GT and I bought an ATI Radeon HD 2600XT to add to it. I have the ATI Radeon on lane 1 so it will get the full X16 and put the 7300GT on lane 4 to drive my second monitor so it will get x8 instead of x4 on another slot. My question is, the 7300GT sits with the heatsink nearly touching the hard drives above it, does this cause overheating issues with the card at all? If so should I move the card to another slot? This would either give me x4 on the 7300GT or I could configure the slots to give x8 each, but that wouldn't allow the 2600XT to run at x16 full performance. Another question, running 2 separate cards for each monitor would give me better performance if I use the better card for graphic intensive apps/games than driving both monitors off the 2600XT correct?

    heart outline images. heart outline images. heart
  • heart outline images. heart

  • daa709
    Oct 24, 06:49 PM
    chris dude, i'll see you there hopefully.

    you know who i am!

    i'm only coming from st. georges, so its an easy double tube ride for me :)

    heart outline images. Mechanical Heart Outline
  • Mechanical Heart Outline

  • DaveGee
    Apr 16, 04:02 PM
    x2 of what you said.... you verbalized what I was trying to say a lot better than I. :o

    Thanks! :)

    I wish they included this but I guess it was more detailed then they were willing to broadcast.

    After NewsToons was turned down in mid-December, Mr. Fiore did not try to submit it again, “mainly because it seemed like it would be so daunting.”

    “It’s not like I had a phone number for someone at Apple,” he said, adding, “interestingly enough, I do now.”

    Just goes to show how two-faced they are.. :(

    Look, believe it or not I'm a big fan of Apple for the most part but the UGLY way they've handled the APP store was/is just too much for me to not speak my mind about it. Oh and before people start screaming... WELL YOU HAVE A CHOICE... Yea I'm well aware of my rights and freedoms and one of them is to LIKE Apple and their products and STILL speak the truth about their militant behavior they exhibit over the APP store.


    heart outline images. heart outline red. large red
  • heart outline red. large red

  • kgtenacious
    Apr 27, 12:40 AM
    Lemme' guess - it's going to be distributed through the app store, and everytime there is an update, you have to download an 8 GB install program for each update, ala XCode 4 :mad:

    heart outline images. White Custom Heart Outline
  • White Custom Heart Outline

  • emvath
    Apr 14, 04:37 PM
    Innovate, man, innovate! Start with a different shirt.

    I suggest a plain black turtleneck. Always in style!


    heart outline images. Sterling Silver Heart Outline
  • Sterling Silver Heart Outline

  • ps45
    Apr 16, 06:57 PM
    presumably the mistake to which jobs refers resides in the OTT developer licence agreement, rather than this particular instance in which those rules have been applied? i wish.

    heart outline images. DBS Heart Outline plant clumps
  • DBS Heart Outline plant clumps

  • Abyssgh0st
    Mar 11, 05:32 AM
    At University now, I believe I'm number 5 or 6.


    heart outline images. Red Heart outline Kids#39; Tops
  • Red Heart outline Kids#39; Tops

  • t0rr3s
    Feb 18, 09:42 PM
    Damn I'm thinner than uncle Steve. I should have died a long time ago:D Better pack my stuff:p

    Looks like everybody wants to kill Steve, guess what? In the next keynote instead of macbooks Steve is going to announce:

    "Once again I'm still a live."

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, iLive 4(eva)


    heart outline images. Clipart Heart Outline.
  • Clipart Heart Outline.

  • CalfCanuck
    Sep 25, 12:32 PM
    All 5G iPods with upgraded firmware to 1.2 can play the iTS movies just fine.
    I can display a 10,000 x 8.000 pixel picture on an iPod if I throw away 99% of the data as well. But why would you want to use such a huge file for no reason? Not only would it take up vast amounts of space, but you have to process all that "throwing away" info on the fly.

    The new videos take longer for you to download, use more storage space on the iPod, require the iPod to downsample at playback, and cost Apple more bandwidth.

    So why would Apple do all this if they weren't in fact planing to USE the new format on an iPod? Soem may say "it's for rregular Macs", but this size is too SMALL for to build a new standard for computers. So the only conclusion I can reach is that it has to be for a new iPod to come...


    heart outline images. Blue-mask-heart-outl.
  • Blue-mask-heart-outl.

  • iJohnHenry
    May 3, 07:25 AM
    commanded by Bin Laden's second in command...


    Now serving Number 2.

    heart outline images. Heart outline largelt;brgt; 3.19w
  • Heart outline largelt;brgt; 3.19w

  • alent1234
    Mar 25, 08:53 AM
    I once sat on a plane next to an intellectual property lawyer who was commuting to NYC for work from Rochester. As it turned out he had once worked for EK and was now working in the city.

    When I conveyed my surprised over how strange it was that Eastman Kodak was lagging behind in digital imaging and still focused on film considering they were responsible for much of the technology behind digital imaging, he basically inferred that EK's leadership mismanaged their patent goldmine.

    i bet they had people there with MBA's from good schools running financial what if's and telling management to avoid digital because they will make less money due to not selling the film or anything other than the camera


    heart outline images. Pink Love Heart Outline
  • Pink Love Heart Outline

  • Eidorian
    Jun 17, 08:41 PM
    If I were to guess, it would be this single new model alone for the rest of this year, with the 2 older models slotting in as the "bargain" versions for the holiday season. Then next year, after the launch of Kinect has settled in, and the older models are pretty well phased out, they could introduce a wider range of models.I've heard that the older Arcade and Pro models are no long in production. What is going to happen once they're no longer in stock?

    heart outline images. red heart outline
  • red heart outline

  • mdgm
    May 6, 07:31 AM
    You're welcome. Hope you like your SSD upgrade. You may wish to take a look at

    Some older Mac Minis can have the CPU upgraded, but on both 09 Minis (they are very, very similar) the CPUs are definitely soldered on. This kind of info would be shown in a teardown of a Mac (these tend to be done fairly quickly after a new model is released)


    heart outline images. i love heart outline Kids#39;
  • i love heart outline Kids#39;

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 5, 04:11 PM
    I know I must be overtired ... I actually reached out and touched my screen to see if this was really 3-dimensional!

    That made me chuckle, I've done that before myself. :)

    Love it! My only qualm is how dark it is. If it had some more "pop" and was brightened up a bit I would be even more in love! Did you have lights inside that place?

    Thanks! I find monitor gama really makes or breaks this one. Small changes in the can really darken it up quickly. I have printed it out at 20x30 and it really worked well in my opinion. I'm just finishing up some web site programing before I can get back into my photography. Once I do I plan on revisiting this one. I want to try printing it on both regular paper and metallic.

    As for the lighthing I'm lucky I didn't break my neck that night. It was extreamly dark - no Moon and the cottages are wedged between some steep hills. I set the camera up on a tripod and took a couple of test shots for the framing. I just looked at the original images and there are only a couple of blurry images and one only lit from inside before this shot. I was using an old manual lens and must not have focused for the first couple but they were so dark it was hard to see on the LCD. (Still better than waiting for the film to develop.)

    Once I had the angle I thought I wanted -- it was still hard to tell on the preview -- I set the camera for remote trigger with a three second delay. I triggered the cammera and when the shutter opened up I held a deep blue Rosco gel over a five watt LED flashlight and swept it across the front of the building a few times.

    I then turned off the flashlight and dashed over the uneven ground into the room on the left. There I switched to a red gel and waved the light around the room for a couple of seconds. Then in the dark I ran around to the door and the room on the right. Here I again waved the flashlight around trying to give it an uneven wash. Then I stuck my head out the door and triggered the camera. The whole exposure was about 67 seconds.

    In this shot you can see how uneven the ground was. ;)

    In this and another shot from that night I used way too much light. I like the uneven texture of the red and blue image. The other two are just too flat. I do like the texture of the bricks in this one but overall I ruined the shot in my opinion. In the one above you can also see that I didn't have the flashlight fully covered. There is a bit of white light spilling in the foreground.

    If I were to do it again I would try putting a strobe in each room. I would need to find something to breakup the flash to get the uneven wash -- maybe some bottle partially filled with water. Then I could use the flashlight for the front lighting and maybe another strobe or two set very low for some side fill.

    Overall it was a fun exercise. I had wanted to do some light painting for a long time and I got really lucky for a first try at it.

    heart outline images. heart love outline page
  • heart love outline page

  • Small White Car
    Nov 6, 06:28 AM
    You already have a standard for this, connecting any media device in a network.

    There is no way to do what is being shown in this video with wifi or bluetooth. (Note that the toys do not have a power source.)


    heart outline images. Black Heart outline Women#39;s
  • Black Heart outline Women#39;s

  • MBP13
    May 5, 11:07 PM
    Even after that comparison of Apple's products to Windows', I'd still buy Apple.

    Don't tell me that I'm wasting my money just because I can easily afford to purchase a Mac. Most of the people that talk crap about Macs are the ones that can't afford them, so of course they're going to talk bad about them.

    I like cheap car vs. luxury car analogy. A Kia has four wheels, a windshield, a hood, and a trunk just as Rolls Royce does, but should Kia start a campaign that calls Rolls Royce over priced and a waste of your money? I certainly hope not.

    Don't be hatin' on Apple because you're broke and can't afford one. :)

    I should mention until this year, I was 100% for Microsoft and thought you had to be an idiot to purchase a Mac, and like the trolls on this forum, attacked Apple users for owning a Mac..Well, I see it the other way around now.

    heart outline images. A Heart done by words outline
  • A Heart done by words outline

  • THX1139
    Sep 21, 01:28 PM
    My Macpro is shipping tomorrow, I wonder if they will do the update since it's still technically in their hands.

    Speaking of which, the build times are much faster! I ordered my Macpro with X1900, 2 gigs of ram, Bluetooth/Airport and 160 drive last Saturday. They placed a hold on my order until Tuesday while verifying my educational status, then sent me a notice the next day (Wednesday) telling me that my order is being processed. My Macpro is scheduled to ship tomorrow and my new 23" ACD is on the truck for delivery today. If everything goes well, I might have a new system for the weekend. That's pretty damn fast for a BTO!

    heart outline images. and heart outline on black
  • and heart outline on black

  • KingYaba
    Mar 17, 05:16 PM
    is streaming copyrighted files felony worthy?

    It's bad enough that some of these civil suits claim ridiculous damages where one instance of copyright violation is supposedly thousands of dollars.

    Apr 3, 02:45 PM
    What I see Pages as trying to do (again) is to define a new category.

    Apr 16, 12:26 PM
    Ugh. lol. Sorry.

    I never get these!

    Neither do I, weird.

    Nov 11, 02:15 AM
    Hehe. They are so identical that the Japanese Mac even looks like Justin Long :D

    Mar 22, 06:08 PM
    1. the netbook user experience is terrible. (come one, be honest... it is)

    I find my Samsung NC10 really very usefull indeed - I love using it. It's done all sorts of things no other machine could really do (like be powered off a car battery in the middle of a field with a USB capture card being fed by an IR camera that was pointing at a dog trap to try and find a lost dog, uploading images via 3G to the web and automatically emailing me when things changed in the F.O.V )

    2. proper keyboard? really? honestly, dude, we can debate this, but I guess it's a matter of opinion. Netbooks keyboards are too cramped up for me.

    It's a LOT better than any touchpad typing. a LOT LOT better. It's not as good as a full sized keyboard, but it's good enough for most of the things most people do most of the time.

    3. larger screen? maybe by an inch or so. past that, it's no longer a netbook, it's a laptop.

    It IS larger - and it includes a webcam as well. And a microphone. and isn't glossy.

    4. by the time you add a larger HDD, the price balloons to over $600/$700, no? at least that's what I've seen. at that point, you're out of the netbook price range and into laptops again.

    No - not really. 160Gb netbooks - <�300 - that's an order of magnitude more storage than the basic iPad - for less money. You could whack a 500gb drive in for �60/$100 and still be WELL under the price of the 32 Gig iPad (without 3G)

    5. they all use Windows i.e. What good is a Ferrari body with all the bells and whistles if the engine is from a Hyundai

    Oh god - car analogies. the OS on a netbook isn't as pretty as an iPad - but it can do a lot LOT more.

    Again, I guess it's a matter of opinion. I do acknowledge that you bring valid points, but it just seems like, at that point, you're talking about a laptop, not a netbook.

    I'm talking about my Samsung NC10 - a 10" netbook. Cheaper than a base spec iPad.

    Apple OC
    Mar 11, 10:19 PM
    Ok now- let's just make one thing clear. :D

    I'm single. I need a sexy car, not a four door. :)

    They don't come any sexier than an American Corvette

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