Tuesday, June 7, 2011

hbo game of thrones posters

hbo game of thrones posters. HBO#39;s new series quot;Game of
  • HBO#39;s new series quot;Game of

  • Lord Blackadder
    Apr 28, 04:17 PM
    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

    I couldn't disagree more. Conservatives have already proven that they are willing to either turn a blind eye to or even support such lunatic accusations against anybody so long as it might damage or distract their political opponent. They don't care how far-fetched or personal the attacks are, as long as it creates some useful political capital.

    hbo game of thrones posters. HBO Gives Game of Thrones
  • HBO Gives Game of Thrones

  • mattpol
    Nov 28, 10:04 PM
    Where are the recording studios in this future? Nowhere. Artists might still need them for promotions, music videos etc... but that is all bells and whistles. You don't even need the studios for a good music video, just look at how famous this (http://youtube.com/watch?v=okZwbxi7p0A) video has become, its even on MTV. It all comes down to the music, and if its good, people will buy it. Artists provide the content, iTMS the distribution. Record labels' presence will be greatly diminished. They are scared to death.

    Great argument, except that OK Go are signed to a major label, Capitol Records, only one of the most histroically great labels!! Please see: The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Nat King Cole, etc.)! :rolleyes: YouTube doesn't sell music; just look at OK Go's numbers, they are mediocre at best. One hugely popular viral video is not going to move that many CDs.

    Also, as an aside, they are not "recording studios," they are "recording labels," or more commonly, "record labels."

    hbo game of thrones posters. game of thrones hbo poster.
  • game of thrones hbo poster.

  • jkane08
    Apr 6, 07:19 AM
    I've been using Premier Pro CS5 on a 2008 MBP....

    hbo game of thrones posters. hbo game of thrones posters.
  • hbo game of thrones posters.

  • ergle2
    Sep 18, 11:57 PM
    Key word being DESKTOPS.
    MP machines were server based long before they were included in desktops. I'd like to see where people had dual Xeon based DESKTOPS 'cause I've never seen it. It's not impossible but it's also not a good cost-based answer either. :p

    I've known many people with multi-processor machines on their desktop, with a variety of processor families -- including Intel -- going way back over the best part of a decade. If your requirements include applications that can make use of it, it can make sense. Time is money and all that.

    One market I'm aware of is the fluid dynamics market, which pretty much eats all the processor time you can throw at it.

    I even had an x86 dual CPU machine at home back in 1999... I still have it, it's just not that fast any more...

    Of course, these days everyone and his dog has dual-core, pretty much...

    Edit: 2nd para clarified

    hbo game of thrones posters. hbo game of thrones posters.
  • hbo game of thrones posters.

  • Super Dave
    Aug 8, 12:50 AM
    Also a very good point, so I need a bigger main HD for my MacBookPro (the new Seagate 160GB becomes interesting) for Time Machine, but i still need to back the hole thing up to an external HD in case of a HD crash (I had 2 in the last 8 months!). So Tine Machine doesn't make Backups obsolete, I didn't even think of that up to now. Hmmm..

    Time Machine is backup, it's not for on the same drive (or nothing implied it was).

    David :cool:

    hbo game of thrones posters. game-of-thrones-poster.jpg
  • game-of-thrones-poster.jpg

  • Voltes V
    Sep 14, 09:24 PM
    :eek: :eek:

    What's planned after that? 16 cores on a chip? Seriously?? :confused: :confused:

    yeah, who would've thought we're having quad core 4 years ago.

    hbo game of thrones posters. game of thrones tyrion
  • game of thrones tyrion

  • Butters
    Aug 11, 11:28 AM
    Ill only buy it if stupid little spoilt english kids dont buy it, i dont mean posh english kids but yobbish ones, I want it to be the coolest thing in the world. The nano has become the essential for yobbish teenage boys and girls in the uk and I just want those stupid turds to stick to their quote "amazing black v3's with itunes and video" which dont actually have itunes and video!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Im not ageist because im 16.....

    I agree with that

    hbo game of thrones posters. HBO#39;s Game Of Thrones Official
  • HBO#39;s Game Of Thrones Official

  • xPismo
    Jul 20, 07:43 PM
    The party just keeps getting better. I'm so ready for the new ultra MBP.

    Go WWDC!

    hbo game of thrones posters. HBO Game of Thrones Poster
  • HBO Game of Thrones Poster

  • The ArchAngel
    Mar 26, 08:22 AM
    I'm shocked at how many people are so willing to just wave away all the nice under-the-hood changes and improvements that Lion offers just because there aren't any super-radical UI changes... really disappointing to be honest. Does it really have to be all flashy to be of interest to you? What, the functional side of things doesn't matter any more?

    As an amateur OS X developer, I really hate this attitude because it will end up slowing Lion adoption. That really sucks, because there are a ton of awesome changes in 10.6 that I (and many, many other developers) would love to take advantage of to make their software even greater, but it's not going to be viable to go Lion-only for said features until Lion is installed on the majority of Macs out there.

    I hear what you're saying, and agree in large part, but since when did most consumers select products on grounds other than primarily looks?

    hbo game of thrones posters. Game of Thrones Poster
  • Game of Thrones Poster

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 09:44 AM
    Dr Simon Hornblower, the author of several books about ancient Greece and editor of the Oxford Classical Dictionary, a friend of mine, agrees with me that there is no way your teacher could know any such thing, and that homosexuality was not common only among aristocrats. The Greeks, and Romans for that matter, made little distinction between sexes or orifices when it came to getting their rocks off.
    Knowing is one thing. Having strong evidence is something else. Even if Dr. Gould doesn't know that the Ancient Greeks thought sodomy was repugnant, he probably knew a lot about the history of Ancient Greece. To accurately interpret Plato's writings, he needed to know about Ancient Greek Society and Ancient Greek culture.

    By the way, I've read Plato's Early Socratic Dialogues, including the Charmides an the Lysis. In the Charmides, Socrates lusts after Charmides, a young man in his teens or in his 20's, when the philosopher see what's under Charmides's cloak. Socrates then talks about self-control because that's the dialogue's topic.

    When the Lysis begins, a boy of about 13 is stands outside the Lyceum, telling everyone about the boy he's in love with. But the dialogue was about friendship, not about homosexuality.

    hbo game of thrones posters. game of thrones hbo poster.
  • game of thrones hbo poster.

  • TerrorOFdeath
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    Forget i7.. Hellhammer seriously? Didnt expect that from you. (or where you just speaking what tehnical could be possible)
    Marketingwise this would just make no sense at all. It would actually be a Conflict of interest for the MBP.

    i5 seems logic. And then just mhz bump bto.

    IMHO i would love to see an 11.6 MBA with an i3. So that there could still be enough power for backlit.
    And please, do make the screen better for the 11.6

    GMA3000 is ok for an Air. Even if it is just DX10.


    PS: @Scottsdale: Did you buy this Generation MBA. Or did you wait, because the backlit thing? (just wondering, because to an i5 you cant say no can you ;-) Oh yes, to replay to your text. The bus is higher, and so is the turboboost option up to 2.X GhZ. It IS better than actuall CD2. The power you use if you need it (if not, much more battery life). But on the GPU part im with you. It is still freaking me out, crp Intel Graphics. But i can swallow it on a MBA.

    hbo game of thrones posters. HBO#39;s Game of Thrones
  • HBO#39;s Game of Thrones

  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 10:49 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/06/intel-launching-next-generation-macbook-air-processors/)


    As reported by Fudzilla (http://www.fudzilla.com/processors/item/22323-new-17w-core-i7-king-brand-is-2657m) and HardMac (http://www.hardmac.com/news/2011/04/06/intel-to-launch-sandy-bridge-chips-that-could-be-found-in-the-new-macbook-air), Intel is about to launch its next generation Sandy Bridge ultra low voltage CPUs suitable for the MacBook Air.

    Due to the MacBook Air's thin form factor, it has required the use of particularly low power CPUs from Intel. Apple has stuck with Core 2 Duo processors with a maximum Thermal Design Power (TDP) of 10-17W. Apple is believed to have continued to use this older processor design in order to keep NVIDIA's graphics chips powering their ultracompact notebook. Due to licensing disputes (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/01/10/nvidia-and-intel-settle-nvidia-still-prohibited-from-building-chipsets-for-newest-intel-processors/), NVIDIA was prohibited from building newer chipsets that supported Intel's newest processors.

    With the release of Sandy Bridge, Intel upgraded the performance of their integrated graphics chipset. This was good enough (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/24/apple-launches-macbook-pros-with-thunderbolt-quad-core-cpus-amd-gpus/) for Apple to offer in their latest 13" MacBook Pros, so we expect it will be good enough for the upcoming MacBook Airs as well. Apple had been previously rumored (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/11/macbook-air-sandy-bridge-update-in-june/) to be introducing the "Sandy Bridge" MacBook Airs this June.

    HardMac pinpoints the Core i5 2537M (17W) as the possible chip to be used, at least in the 13" model:Meanwhile, the current 11" MacBook air uses an even lower power (10W) processor, but it's not clear how much power savings is offered by removing the need for the NVIDIA graphics chipset, as the Intel solution is integrated within the processor itself.

    Article Link: Intel Launching Next Generation MacBook Air Processors (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/06/intel-launching-next-generation-macbook-air-processors/)
    Actually there is Core i7 2657M at 1.6Ghz 2 Cores with HT (4 threads) with turbo up to 2.4Ghz. TDP 17Watt. Looks better chip for top model 13" MacBook Air. Don't you think so? :)

    hbo game of thrones posters. game of thrones poster hbo.
  • game of thrones poster hbo.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 12:21 PM
    The Mac Pro isn't for most people. It's for professionals and professional applications, which are usally multithreaded, and will take advantage of the capabilities.

    If you have a complaint about all these cores and not being able to take advantage of them, then this is not the computer for you. You're probably not using the software that will take advantage of them, so let it go and stop whining about it. For the those of us that do, this is great news.Thank you shelterpaw. And Bravo! Couldn't have said it better. Those who don't see the point of a lot of cores are not doing anything like what those of us who do are. :)I'm underutilizing my cpu nearly all of the time, but that's irrelevant-what really matters to me is that fraction of the time when I *am* asking it to do 4 things at once, and I want it do them at the same speed that each could be done individually.Zactly. This is the most reason - not that you need this level of performance 24/7. Thank you for that daver.http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0007US79Y.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg

    hbo game of thrones posters. Episode 2 amp; 3 of HBO#39;s New
  • Episode 2 amp; 3 of HBO#39;s New

  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:30 PM
    I went ahead and bought my MacBook Pro because I can't do my schoolwork without a laptop. So, I'm really not paying much attention these days about future announcements :)

    Is that irony?

    I'm also a student, and I don't think I could wait any longer than a month for these long-overdue MacBook Pros to ship... so a possible late November arrival is worrying to say the least.

    hbo game of thrones posters. game of thrones poster hbo.
  • game of thrones poster hbo.

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 05:46 PM
    WHat is he deal with no new displays, but they did drop the prices a little. I think the iPod is long overdue at this point for a makeover. I guess I'm just a victim of my own unfulfilled expectations.

    The displays WERE updated slightly...check the main page.

    As for iPods...why "makeover" what is working? And this was the DEVELOPERS conference. iPods, if they happen before Christmas, will be either at Paris or a special media event (the latter more likely, IMHO).

    hbo game of thrones posters. Game of Thrones. Credit: HBO
  • Game of Thrones. Credit: HBO

  • Daremo
    Apr 19, 01:28 PM
    The sales numbers are impressive, but not surprising.

    hbo game of thrones posters. game of thrones hbo. for
  • game of thrones hbo. for

  • Popeye206
    Mar 22, 08:01 PM
    My take...

    Competition is good.

    It will be interesting to see if the Playbook sticks. RIM is losing ground in so many areas and from what my daughter says (who works for one of the cell phone companies) that even with all the nice new goodies in BB's, that they are the smart phone that makes them all grimace. She says it's by far the worst phone to activate to trouble shoot. So, will the Playbook be any different?

    Samsung... could they have rushed that one out any quicker? They seem desperate to get a tablet to sell. So much for quality control I'm sure.

    Is the new Xoom about ready to be run over two minutes out the gate by other Android devices?

    From what I can see, the most damage is not going to come in the Apple arena... the iPad is different with iOS, it's proven (15 million sold and growing fast)... it's going to be the other Android devices. Each of them fighting for a small share of customers who don't want Apple.

    I honestly believe most consumers care less about the specs. The geeks on this site do.... but the average person does not care. They care about what they hear and see. They see iPads flying out the door. They know the iPad is slick and works.

    I'll go with the Analysts on this one... by the end of Apple will own 70-80% market share and the rest will be a mixed bag of struggling tablet makers.

    hbo game of thrones posters. Game of Thrones poster
  • Game of Thrones poster

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 19, 10:00 AM
    Well, I've been on MacRumors since last week and I'm already tired of posts telling me what I really need. I don't recall seeing posts saying Yonah was crap. Most people just want to feel like they are making a good investment on an expensive piece of equipment that may be around for 3-4+ years. I would like a laptop with a 64-bit processor. Period. I don't care what you think I need. The problem with posts like this are that they waste my time, and the time of other users who are looking for information on the release of the new MBP models.

    I agree with your sentiments. While it is great to get steady advancements in the amount of say, 2x year refreshes. The performance difference between merom and yonah is an incremental upgrade. not a major big deal.

    you should be happy with the laptop you have. The chip has the power you need for now and the next several years.

    Personally for me though, I am still on my PB 1.25 alum, so i am very interested in good progress for the new MBP's, such as... larger hard drives 160 gb as BTO option, better ram pricing, better graphics cards, and options for killer graphics card, and... finally Blu-Ray drives.

    that and a Airplane/Auto Magsafe power adapter. dont you think that would be nice. it's been to long without it! cmon apple. build it!

    hbo game of thrones posters. game of thrones poster hbo.
  • game of thrones poster hbo.

  • SuperMatt
    Mar 31, 02:26 PM
    The biggest advantage always given for Android over iOS is that it's "open source." Well, clearly that's not the case anymore. So, I can't think of any other reason to use Android over iOS, or even Windows 7. It looks like junk, and it's just a cheap ripoff of iOS.

    Apr 27, 10:32 AM
    I'm a little confused at the magnitude of people's reaction here.

    Cell phone companies already do this. This is how they track potential crime victims locations'. They can access the cellular provider's database and get a ping with a cell tower and location. This is also timestamped. Your cellular provider already has more information than Apple ever had.

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 29, 12:47 PM
    So what? Who said liberals never partake in name calling? You claimed that liberals do more name calling. You want me to go dig out examples of name-calling done by conservative voices such as Limbaugh, Beck, etc.?
    Please do dig them out. It's only fair that you should be free to point out point out evil that some conservatives do publicly. Meanwhile, let's see whether this (http://www.mrc.org/Profiles/odonnell/welcome.asp) link works now.

    RT, did you notice that I said that whomever does it, name-calling is libel or slander?

    Mar 22, 01:17 PM
    Why so many negative votes? Don't you guys like competition?

    Apr 6, 12:53 PM
    The most interesting thing here is how some people hang on every word over updates to the MacBook Air line.

    Some won't touch it without a Sandy Bridge update, others want it left alone to save the NVIDIA graphics.

    From dated chips, future proofing, when to buy, getting in at the right time and on and on ...

    What gives?

    In 90% of the tasks the average MacBook Air owner does are they really going to notice it either way?

    Future proofing/saving a few hundred dollars ... there is no such thing ... just look back at the electronics you purchased in the past... how has 'future proofing' worked for you so far? lol

    Like it. Buy it. Enjoy it.

    People who keep waiting for the next rev will never buy a computer. The "right time to buy" is probably not until the Macbook Air has Skymont in 2015. :p

    Aug 7, 10:03 PM
    Perhaps sometime between now and Spring 2007 they might find the time to change that.

    Right, but certainly not "all the pictures" show a unified interface, which is what I was replying to. I'd like if it were unified, though.

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