Monday, June 13, 2011

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  • IneedAllGreen
    09-22 10:45 PM
    I would suggest to stay with your employer and get your I-140 done through premium processing . Once I-140 done then transfer H1B with new employer and start new GC processing too.

    I highly appreciate your advice. It sads that you had to go throught GC process so many times. In fact this is my third I-140 too. The first two never got approved due to silly administartive errors on employers part ( old check and job notice at wrong site) and I had to abandon them.

    One of the other fix I have is : if I should leave my present job or not , as my fear of loosing job might just be in mind. I am wondering, if worse comes to worse and if I loose job with an approved I-140, will I be able to secure job with another employer and use this I-140 to get an extension. I am a Physical Therapist and EB-2 positions are hard to come by in the state I am in. I want to take the risk to stay with this employer and take my chances. But I also want to have a back plan ( premium processing I-140).I dont know if it can work. Please share your thoughts.

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  • ronhira
    12-31 09:13 AM
    You don't need a "path to citizenship" to family reunification. Please do not link A-B and so C-D. They are totally two different issues.

    agree 100%..... aila tries to project that it represents immigrants..... aila actually doesn't represent immigrants..... it works for the benefit of its members ..... i.e. immigration lawyers...... most immigration benefit if more people like us are stuck in the system..... if there r more applicants..... & more people stuck in the system.... then more immigration lawyers will make more money...... so family unification which has nothing to do with path to citizenship..... somehow become related...... or even synonymous.... 3 cheers for representatives of "immigrations"........

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  • answers_seeker
    07-18 10:25 AM
    Can any one explain his comments,

    "We presume some folks are still waiting on their July 2nd cases to be returned and are debating refiling new cases rather than waiting. Unfortunately, there is a risk of not getting the package back before August 17th and some people will need to refile without proof of the earlier filing."

    Shouldn't any application rejected on July 2nd have already reached our lawyer's office by now?
    Also, if my appliction, filled on July 2nd, has not been returned yet, shouldn't we assume that it will be accepted?

    Greg's blog is referring to the very few applications that when filed to TSC were not accepted (as opposed to accepting and then sending it back). NSC as far as I can see has been holding onto applications all the time. Even in the worst case that they return after the 17 th of august by mistake, we can send it back since the original application was returned in error as per the revised visa bulletin.

    This VB fiasco has made us all a little bit too paranoid I guess :)

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  • meridiani.planum
    12-31 01:03 AM
    Ist Question
    I am thinking of Murthyas as lawyer. Her fee of taking over pending $ 2100, Can anybody suggest any other lawyer and there Fee's etc and all.
    I will really appreciate the help.

    I am about to ask my lawyer also for a quote on this. Does that 2k include your dependents also? (Also, I am assuming its for everything, including MTRs, RFEs, Appeals, help with contacting senators if needed etc. that is right?). Does it also including filing for APs and EADs, or would those be all extra (USCIS fees would ofcourse be separate)


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  • mirchiseth
    05-29 01:18 PM
    Just to confirm, based on webm's response

    For applying the 120 day rule for I131 renewal, we should use the date printed on existing AP paper and not the date stamped by the immigration officer when a person uses AP to re-enter the country from outside.

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  • eb3India
    04-09 12:47 PM
    President Bush is talking about CIR in Arizona, before the talk on MSNBC there was interesting discussion on whatz coming for CIR

    itz that time again guys I see this as a kickoff from whitehouse on STRIVE and immigration reform,

    will update here as it goes by,


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  • go_gc_way
    07-18 07:45 PM
    Hello Atul

    I agree only crying baby gets milk.
    But only lucky applicants get green card :). Its not based on eligibility alone.
    Now about protests and demonstrations. I dont think it will work in the US for a myriad of reasons.

    I think every year about 30K or more people are coming from India
    on H1B. I think half of them apply for GC. At least 200K Indian nationals
    alone waiting in the line for GC. Why IV has only 5k? We should have atlease 50K members.

    A working plan would be get atleast 100K people to our organization and have everybody contribute $100. That would give us $10Million. We can hire top people and companies to get it done. And donate big funds to these politician.

    What I told is just a dream. Most of us here are free riders. In my company there are 5 people who are affected. I'm the only who checks regulary this site. I have to tell them again and again and again to send a fax or donate.
    So what to do?


    Why only 5k and why only less contribute ? This time there is a membership drive, all need sincerely try increase membership of the forum.

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  • reddymjm
    09-22 05:00 PM
    hi All,
    I didn't find any topic on this so asking a question in a new thread.

    I got my GC last month. My company has some problem and requested to take pay cut (50%) for next 3 months. Will this effect my Green Card. I came to know that I should get the salary mentioned in the file at-least for next 6 month after getting the GC. Is this true?

    Please help me, I have to take decision ASAP.

    Thank you in advance.

    Ditch him Man.


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  • WaitingYaar
    03-23 10:47 PM
    Does letter for initial interview makes sense for EB petitions. May be gurus from the the forum can comment.

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  • Pegasus503
    12-18 05:02 PM
    I'd like to share an experience, because it made me laugh.

    I got a notice to appear at Superior Court in January to perform Jury Service.

    PD - 25 Nov 2002 SWA - California RIR EB3
    45-day letter - 11 Feb 2005
    Labour Certified - 30 Aug 2006
    i-140, RD 16 Oct 2006: ND 20 Oct 2006: AD 24 Oct 2006

    waiting for EB3 visas to move beyond Aug 02 so I can file i-485


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  • Pagal
    12-09 07:55 PM

    :) Just a clarification around job requirements:

    GC is always for a future position, so there is no need for the employer to keep the position (nor to keep it vacant). The employer needs to confirm that the position will be made available to the individual as soon as GC is issued.

    If you get the GC and the position is not available, your GC is not in any jeopardy. Once the employer confirms that the position is no longer available, you are free to choose any other job. If you have already waited 4-5 years for GC, the same/similar job requirement also reduces in significance for post GC issued job.

    PS: I know a few friends who waited to get their US citizenship and immediately relocated to India! Human mind is strange!! :)

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  • uslegals
    08-20 03:39 PM
    A consulting company that i had approached in early 2007 had filed my
    H1B on April 1st '07 for which i only have a receipt # as yet. This H1 is obviosuly under the CAP. USCIS decision reg. H1 approval is still pending.

    I was eligible to file for AOS / EAD thru my husbands GC petition and now do not want to take any job on the H1B with the consulting company. I have a offer from another company....i can join then when i get my EAD. They are willing to wait till i get my EAD.

    Some concerns i need help with -
    1)How does the contracting company withdraw or VOID my H1. ?
    2) Do we have to wait for 797 approval to void it.? Or can they VOID it using only the RECEIPT # ?
    3) If H1B is approved in the next few weeks then does the petitioner have to void it before the start of fiscal year - October 1st 2007.?
    5) Does a attorney need to be involved to withdraw this case ? What is the exact process of nullifying this H1B.? Are there any specific forms to be filled out.???
    6) What kind of documentation would i need from the petitioner who is withdrawing my H1B...Like what evidence do i need to get from petitioner that he / she has actually withdrawn this.??

    Also are there any DOL or USCIS rules which state that - the employer has to provide me with copies of the LCA, I-129 petition, Letter that he writes for voiding the H1B. I should be entitled to recieve copies from the employer right..?? allthough i will not work for them..! Can somebody direct me to a link on DOL or USCIS which tells me that the employer should give me all these copies.

    Thank you!


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  • hebbar77
    05-15 06:27 PM
    This gentleman is Feb 06 and is worried about his wife's GC not being approved, while folks and a lot of 'Janta' like us have PD's before his, and are still waiting............makes me more and more dukheeeee.........

    Lets admit it now... we are all selfish and so is he... am I wrong?

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  • computerClerk
    06-11 05:26 PM

    This is a similar advice (complaining to DOL) that you gave me about my employer's non payment for 4 months.

    Would you kindly elaborate on what kind of protection an employee has, once he complains to DOL about employer and the employer retaliates by firing employee and revoking his petition.



    1. Send an email to the employer
    2. Send a letter with a proof of delivery and signature stating your case and that you need to be paid and reminding him/her of their legal obligation and give them 7-10 days to comply failing which you will report to DOL.
    3. If you have not received your dues, complain to your DOL immediately

    I assume that your legal status is not compromised by doing the above and you have a backup for maintaining your legal status in case the employer comes back at you by canceling your H1 etc.

    - cheers


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  • BECsufferer
    08-20 07:10 PM
    Unfortunatly none so-far. The only thing I got in email is " your case is yet to be reviewed by an officer"

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  • seahawks
    07-25 02:01 AM
    I'm a new comer... I would like to contribute if I could...but what's IV?

    sorry that I was away the past weekend, thus the late reply
    IV stands for a forum where we are all writing, sharing our thoughts and helping in whatever ways we can on helping the confused often lengthy process of getting an employment based green card. Check out the home page and you will get all the information on all the wonderful founders, core members, volunteers and ofcourse all the members in whatever way are trying to help raise awareness on the employment immigration problems that we face and to see if we can get the honorable members of the house and senate understand our pain and bring some bill that will make us see light at the end of the legal line of aliens forever waiting for Green Card:)


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  • GCwaitforever
    10-16 05:07 PM
    $500000 in a federally designated low employment area. $1 Million else where.

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  • snathan
    03-23 08:04 PM

    My first H1-B visa expires in September 2009. I was going to have my company file for extension exactly 6 months before the expiry date until I found out I cannot travel out of the U.S. while my extension application is pending. I have a trip planned in July.

    My company attorney recommended that I put off submitting the extension, go on my trip and apply as soon as I get back.

    Is there any risk associated with doing this? Or is it better to apply as soon as I can at the 6 month mark?

    Thank you,


    I never heard of this...Last year I applied for extension and had to travel for family emergency. But I got the approval without any issues. Might be just lucky?

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  • vban2007
    06-07 03:16 PM
    I had sent my 485 app to Nebraska. However, the receipt number starts with WAC.

    Should I send the EAD renewal to NSC or CSC??

    Please let me know.



    12-11 08:44 PM
    I am in MN and would like to join in.

    12-18 01:36 AM
    Hello all:

    I have few questions related to my travel plans to India. We will be leaving in January 2009.

    We have our Advance Parole and EAD approved till 2009. I-485 is still pending . EB3 India.
    My H1B visa stamp is not current or up-to-date on my passport. We have booked our flights with North-west airlines and KLM which will depart from Detroit-Amsterdam-Mumbai. I have few questions pertaining to my travel.

    1) Would I still need to get a transit visa for Amsterdam, even though our flight will be halting for few may be 3-4 hours at Amsterdam- Schiphol Airport? If I do have to arrange for Amsterdam transit-visa, then where should I start as far as documentation is concerned.

    2) Besides carrying my Passport, Advance parole copies with me, please advise me if I need to carry any more documentation from my end.

    3) Would I need a copy of employment letter for visa purpose, or carrying my recent pay-stubs would be fine?

    I would appreciate if you could please guide me with the travel related visa -requirements and documentation. Thanks!


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