Friday, May 20, 2011

Cbs Sports Announcers

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  • *LTD*
    May 2, 09:26 PM
    I think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between iOS and Mac OS!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac iOS/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we HAVE to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!

    "powerful but watered down."

    So in other words: "powerful but much easier to use for everyone."

    Sounds good to me. Go iOS.

    However, if we take your sentence in full:

    "What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac iOS/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!"

    Then it's just nonsense! LOL

    Cbs Sports Announcers. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Mattsasa
    Apr 2, 07:54 PM
    did you see the backlight bleeding?!? :rolleyes:

    your kidding right?

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  • aswitcher
    Jan 12, 05:23 PM
    AirMacExtreme AirMacPro


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  • peapody
    Nov 28, 09:20 AM
    Well that MBA didn't last too long. How come you're bailing on it?

    I didn't even open the MBA to be honest. Bailing because it was $1500 haha. And I just couldn't bring myself to have a second computer that is that price with those specs. And I have a feeling in my bones that the resale value will suck on the first gen 11.6".

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  • 2ndPath
    Sep 1, 01:44 PM
    One more thing... they'll change the name from iMac to Mac, bringing a perfect symmetry to their product line-up:

    Mac Pro

    MacBook Pro

    It brings more symetry (but then you still need the MacBook Mini), but it would eliminate the "i", which appears to be an important trademark for Apple, as it is included in the name of many products.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 7, 04:09 AM
    It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. A couple of notes:

    I don't care that the ipod isn't on the icons, you know, its a developer banner. Most of those items are developer related, not all, but most, in one way or another. What is more interesting is they didnt show the front of the powermac....but that doesn't mean anything. Everything they show on that banner is publically released. There needs to be visuals when people first come in that aren't covered in black cloth! So don't read anything into that, they could completely change the design.

    Its doubful much of the hanging banners will be OS X 10.5 related unless their is a huge feature. They are already taking up a considerable amount of hanging space for bragging rights. I would expect new hardware to be hidden under those displays, atleast two of them.... MacPro and Xserve. Possibly something unexpected. Maybe Xcode 3 or something will be heavily promoted.

    I know I personally would love better SOAP integration with XCode. We use .NET at work all the time to write web services, and we end up using .NET clients running under parallels on our macs, because keeping the SOAP proxy stub code up-to-date is automatic with have to go thru hell with Xcode. I think Apple will fill that gap with the new xcode (there were command line tools in the latest version).

    Obviously we will have the resolution independance in OS X 10.5. Probably some new security and new workgroup/networking enhancements. We probably can all agree one would be networked spotlight, if you are running 10.5 servers, the clients will ask the server to search its spotlight data for the same data the client is searching for, and give a combined response.....its the one thing of OS X Tiger I hated, the inability to search the network with the same ease.

    I'd probably also expect desktop widgets from dashboard....why? Why not, people have used hacks to do it, plus MS has it as an option in Vista.

    We'll probably see Apple rolling in features that Vista has, such as combined videos and photos in slideshows. Not that its nessecary, but its damn easy with Cocoa to do such things and why get left behind? Don't let microsoft take a win.

    We may also see a system wide Software Update now, which would really be nice. Letting 3rd party developers update their software with the same system.

    My employees here at the office really don't care for apple's Mail program, I'd expect some updates to give it the features its been lacking. Same with address book. Of course, these have been rumored for a long time...and for good reason, its needed. Maybe expect a new mail/scheduling server like Exchange, Apple's been rumored to be working on one.

    I'd also expect major updates to iChat.... probably MSN and Yahoo support, as well as VoIP.

    but none of those things I've said are that I'm hoping for some really major surprises :)

    Interesting read but im not sure about system wide Software update. It could be like opening a can of worms - although it wont smell and have soil on it, it could become a weakpoint for hackers/viruses etc. :(

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  • Photics
    Mar 25, 06:08 PM
    This is cool to look at, but it's just a workaround for what should be happening... the Apple TV should run apps / play games. It's an iOS device. There's no need to get crazy with wires hanging off the side of an iPad.

    While I like seeing developers getting creative like this, I don't consider this mainstream gaming. An iPad 2 is $500. A PlayStation 3 is much cheaper.

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  • MattyMac
    Aug 6, 09:14 PM
    Looks like I'll be taking my lunch break at 1PM tomorrow:p

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  • JackSYi
    Jul 21, 01:47 AM
    The stock price is gonna soar.

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  • jaxstate
    Jul 18, 02:44 PM
    About darn time. I'm glad it will be a rental service. I rarely watch a movie more than once, and this will keep the priced down. Anything over 4 bucks per view isn't going to work.

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  • backsidetailsli
    Nov 24, 07:31 AM
    add Shnitzlizr lets race!

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 01:16 PM
    intel will sell yonahs for quite some time besides merom. why sell them when merom is better? answer: because they will sell them for lower price

    The pricelist from Intel themselves (PDF). (

    Core 2 Duo: Merom pricing.

    Yonah prices in normal font, Merom in bold
    1.66 GHz - $209/ $209
    1.83 GHz - $241/ $241
    2 GHz - $294/$294 etc. etc.

    They cost the same! Intel hasn't announced any price drops yet.

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  • senseless
    Apr 11, 09:21 PM
    It's interesting that Europeans embrace manuals, while Americans don't. Also, Europeans favor driving experience over comfort. Is this somehow related to gasoline prices?

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  • Mattsasa
    Apr 2, 07:26 PM
    That's funny. Your description lists every apple product you own except the iPad 2 :o

    good point, he doesn't have an ipad he is just trolling.

    people don't understand that if 1,000 ipads have a problem with backlight bleeding, thats still only .01% of ipad 2s Sold.

    And apple will replace any ipad with backlight bleeding

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  • tangerineyum
    Jul 13, 10:38 PM
    So, how long till it comes to laptops? :D

    And on top of that, its only going to be a viewer, right? I mean have they created any Blu-ray burners, yet?

    I really don't want to buy a Macbook Pro until it has Merom, 802.11n, and blue-ray, cause I know those are all going to be standard in less than a year and I can't afford to have a crippled laptop for 3 yrs.

    Hopefully it won't be too far, I've saved enough cash.

    all going to be standard ? how long did it take for wireless g and dvd burners to become standard? :rolleyes:

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  • vincenz
    Feb 25, 06:18 PM
    What stand is that (under the iMac)? What lamp is that? What external HDD is that and what interface does it use? What speakers are those? What iPod/iPhone stand is that?


    External HDD:


    iPhone stand:

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  • poppe
    Sep 1, 01:16 PM
    Computer lines (outside of Apple) overlap ALL THE TIME. It seems like all of you are afraid of the iMac outselling the Mac Pro. The smart thing to do is, yes, to make the iMac super-upgradeable but more expensive to do so, something which is probably intuitive anyway. People will then make the choice of an all-in-one or a tower. There is no such thing as a "too powerful" iMac. Apple sets the price, consumers buy.

    No, now that I think about it, I dont think i'm worried about iMacs out selling a Mac Pro.
    I'm acctually thinking how Apple tends to keep its computers seperated in some way so that the people that want a Mac Pro get a Mac Pro even if they have to resort to payments just to have it; that way people don't think they could settle for an iMac at 2399 and say "well I wanted a Mac Pro, but this should be ok too i guess"

    Thats crazy! no way do Computers (outside of Apple) overlap ALL THE TIME.

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  • Abstract
    Oct 23, 06:41 AM
    Well when you really think about it, at least one of these rumours has got to be true. We have MBP Merom rumours that cover every week from August til January 2007.

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  • Daveway
    Jan 1, 07:01 PM
    This year better be good!

    I just saw this! OMG1!!1

    Apple is putting the heat on for MWSF. I think they're releasing what everyone is expecting (applephone) plus many unexpected additions.

    mmmm i love Apple

    What does it mean!?! :)

    Sep 1, 11:55 AM
    So are the MacBooks going to get Merom or not? I'm going to buy a black one, but am waiting to see.
    The answer is yes and no. Yes, the MacBook will get a Merom based CPU, but not for a while... the MacBook Pro and iMacs will get Merom first.....

    I think we should expect to see Merom based MacBooks in time for Christmas.

    Jan 5, 10:21 PM
    Sounds good then, but keep in mind the sheer downtime you will have, even if you do the repairs yourself.

    FTR my E36 was a complete cream puff, one owner, full service records and regular maintenance--and it was the biggest piece of crap I ever had. I unloaded it needing $4500 worth of work, on top of the massive piles of money I had to throw into it over my four years.

    Good luck, but you have been warned.;)
    heh down time is nothing. My last toy was down for 2 years ;)

    Mar 24, 03:53 PM
    ATI has years developing graphics. Functionality wins over a supposed performance edge.Intel has had years developing graphics as well. That statement by itself really doesn't say anything.

    Functionality wins over a supposed performance edge? Your whole argument is based on how Llano is supposedly going to be faster than Sandy Bridge. You have yet to state any OpenCL applications that you are using or plan on using in the future yet suddenly you need it NOW because you saw some AMD propaganda video on their YouTube channel. The fact of the matter is, Llano has a VERY slim chance of coming to Macs so it's high time you get over that video and just enjoy Sandy Bridge if you are only buying computers from Apple. If you really needed that extra power then you wouldn't be buying a machine with only an IGP to begin with.


    Like running the new FF 4 (which appears to trigger the dGPU now for no apparent reason). Or when Safari needs to update its thumbnails and the dGPU kicks on.


    Hopefully Apple will improve the switchover to make it more frugal.
    Yeah, that's why I said generally, lol.

    Aug 25, 01:48 AM
    Like the iPod rumors, macrumors is basically pulling this out their ass.

    Aug 29, 10:19 AM
    If the MacBook and Mini stay with core 1 CPUs, sales will grind to a halt.

    Only if they don't drop prices. Just depends what they charge, if they had core solo for $399 sales would go through the roof.

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